What is the voltage after a diode is connected in series with 220 V AC? What is the fast voltage after a bridge ballast is connected in series

What is the voltage after a diode is connected in series with 220 V AC? What is the fast voltage after a bridge ballast is connected in series

The voltage of 220 V AC connected in series with a diode is DC 0.45 × 220 = 99 V, and the voltage connected in series with a bridge rectifier block is DC 0.9 × 220 = 198 v

How much resistance of 220 V voltage string can make LED 3V light on


Will the output voltage of 220 V AC after bridge full wave rectification (4 diodes) be equal to the input voltage 220 V (or approximately equal to)
Such as the title

After the bridge full wave rectification of 220 V AC, the output DC voltage is 0.9 times of the input AC voltage, about 198 v
If the output section is connected with a filter capacitor, the output no-load DC voltage is about √ 2 times of the input AC voltage, about 311V