What is the area formula of a cylinder

What is the area formula of a cylinder

Suppose that the radius of the bottom of the cylinder is R and the height is h, then the area formula of the cylinder is:
S = 2 π R ^ 2 + 2 π RH

How to calculate the surface area of a cylinder

You're talking about surface area
First of all, the area of the top and bottom, that is, the area of the circle π R (don't forget × 2)
Then the side of the cylinder is expanded to form a rectangle
The length of the rectangle is the circumference of the circle, 2 π R, the width is the height of the cylinder, and 2 π R × height is the side area
Plus the area of the top and bottom is the surface area of the cylinder

The two bottom surfaces of the cylinder are in the shape of. To calculate the surface area of the cylinder, the area of the cylinder and the area of the cylinder should be calculated respectively

The two bottom surfaces of the cylinder are [circular]. To calculate the surface area of the cylinder, the [side] area and [bottom] area of the cylinder should be calculated respectively

Is it one or two to calculate the area of the bottom of a cylinder
The diameter is 10cm and the height is 15cm. What I wrote is 10 △ 2 = 5 5 × 5 = 25 × 3.14 = 78.5 (square centimeter). Why did the teacher give me the wrong number?

From the question, we just want to find the area of the bottom, so you are wrong. Because the cylinder has two bottom and one side, we should find the area of two bottom
But if we want to find the volume of a cylinder, we should use the area of a bottom surface × the height of the cylinder
I don't know if you are satisfied