Surface area formula of cylinder When C = 62.8dm and H = 7dm are known, please give a formula to calculate the surface area``` It is known that s = 12.56cm, H = 5cm to calculate the surface area``

Surface area formula of cylinder When C = 62.8dm and H = 7dm are known, please give a formula to calculate the surface area``` It is known that s = 12.56cm, H = 5cm to calculate the surface area``


What is the formula for the surface area of a cylinder

Surface area = bottom area * 2 + side area = 3.14 * R ^ * 2 + 3.14 * D * h
Volume = 3.14 * R ^ * h

Surface area formula of cylinder
The diameter of one ton wire rod is 6.5mm. What is the area

Surface area = side area + 2 bottom areas
Side area = bottom perimeter * height = 3.14 * diameter * height = 3.14 * radius * 2 * height
Bottom area = 3.14 * radius * radius
It's best to figure it out for yourself

How to calculate the surface area of a cylinder? What is the formula?

S = 2 π RH + 2 π R & # 178; R is the radius of the bottom, h is the height of the cylinder, and π is the circumference