Steps of measuring insulation resistance of motor Recently, I just got an electric shock. I asked a very weak question: which position of the motor should I measure when measuring the insulation resistance of the motor? How to measure specifically?

Steps of measuring insulation resistance of motor Recently, I just got an electric shock. I asked a very weak question: which position of the motor should I measure when measuring the insulation resistance of the motor? How to measure specifically?

In case of three-phase AC motor, measure the insulation resistance between phases and ground of three-phase winding
If it is a DC motor, measure the motor armature winding to ground, series excitation winding to ground, other excitation winding to ground, series excitation winding to other excitation winding
Select the appropriate megger according to the voltage level of the motor under test
Measurement steps:
---Disconnect the power supply
---Discharge to ground
---If it is a three-phase AC motor, open the center point (if possible)
---If it is a DC motor, lift the brush
---Use a megger to test the insulation resistance between phases and ground
---Discharge to ground
---Restore the line
---Record insulation resistance and ambient temperature

If the rated voltage of the motor is below 500V, it can be measured with a 500V megger, and the insulation resistance should not be less than what?

The absorption ratio of 0.5 megohm is not less than one third of that of the last comparison, and R60 / R15 is not less than 1.3