Physical wiring diagram of 220 V AC contactor

Physical wiring diagram of 220 V AC contactor

Generally speaking, A1 / A2 is the coil contact, and for the convenience of wiring, A2 may be two contacts. L1 ~ L6 is the main wiring line. 11 ~ 16 and other numbers are normally open and normally closed contacts

How to connect the wiring diagram of the contactor on the 220 V temperature control meter? Mine is high, medium and low phase. Do you have one that can connect

There are two points of power supply and three points of common point, normally open and normally closed. The power supply connects two wires of 220, then jumps one wire from the power supply to the common point, and then connects to the contactor coil from normally open and normally closed according to the actual needs

Ask about the wiring diagram of 220 V AC contactor and temperature control
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