How many hours can a 25 watt bulb normally emit light when consuming 2 kwh of electric energy

How many hours can a 25 watt bulb normally emit light when consuming 2 kwh of electric energy

Time = 2000 △ 25 = 80 hours
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What's the conversion between the power of electric lamp: Watt, and the power consumption per hour? For example, how much power is consumed by a 40 Watt sunlight per hour? Please give me the standard answer and conversion. The answer is comprehensive and good, and there are rewards

40 W x 25 H = 1000 W · H = 1 kW · H = 1 kwh, so the power consumption per hour is 1 / 25 of 1 kwh, that is 0.04 kwh

I have a 1500W electric heater. I know how many kilowatts an hour

1 degree = 1000W / h
1500 W an hour is one and a half degrees

Generally speaking, how many kilowatt hours does electric heating use

See how much power it is. Remember 1 kW, 1 kwh