What are the electrical appliances that often turn electric energy into heat energy

What are the electrical appliances that often turn electric energy into heat energy

Electric heater, electric heater, hair dryer, electric cake pan I can say 10000

Is the heat dissipation power of electric appliance constant and big change

It depends on what your electrical appliances are. If it's a computer, refrigerator or air conditioner, the cooling power will increase with high working power, and the change is obvious. However, if the power of a light bulb or TV is not adjustable, the cooling power will not change greatly
In addition, the heat dissipation power is also related to the environment, but when the ambient temperature changes little, the heat dissipation power is basically unchanged

1kW. H refers to the power of electrical appliances?

1kW. H is one degree of electricity
Electric energy consumed by 1kW electric appliance working for one hour
Don't confuse power with work

Why are multiple consumers in series more powerful than one consumer in series?

If the series connection of multiple consumers is in the form of parallel connection, because more than one parallel consumer is in series connection, the resistance of the hybrid circuit will be reduced, so the total circuit current will increase, and the power generated by the power supply voltage will increase, so the consumer rate is high. If all the consumers are in series connection, the power of the series connection of multiple consumers is smaller than that of the series connection of one consumer, but not larger