How much electricity is consumed by a 1500W rated electric water heater in two hours?

How much electricity is consumed by a 1500W rated electric water heater in two hours?

One kilowatt hour per kilowatt hour, 1500 W power, working for one hour is 1.5 kilowatt hour, working for two hours is 3 kilowatt hour,

Rated power rate of 1500 W electric kettle hour how much electricity consumption

W = Pt = 1,5kw &; 1H = 1 &; 5 degrees

How many kilowatts of electricity does 1500 W household appliances consume?
How many kilowatt hours does 1500W household appliances consume?

One hour's power consumption is 1.5 kwh. It depends on what kind of electrical appliance it is and how it works. If it works all the time and the power is 1500W, the power consumption in 24 hours is 36 kwh

There is an electric appliance with 400W power. How much electricity does it use in an hour and how to calculate it

Formula: kwh = 1 kWh (1kW electrical appliances consume one hour of electricity), because 400W = 0.4KW, that is, 0.4KW × 1 hour = 0.4kwh (1 KWH) answer: 400W electrical appliances consume 0.4 kwh an hour