How to calculate the power of electrical appliances Is it u * I? The multiplication of voltage and current indicated on many electrical appliances' name plates is not equal to its power, and it is much worse In addition: many motors in our unit have 380V / 660V voltages. What's the matter? On the first floor, are you talking about three-phase electricity? Why is the power of three-phase electricity multiplied by 1.732 Isn't power factor and efficiency the same thing?

How to calculate the power of electrical appliances Is it u * I? The multiplication of voltage and current indicated on many electrical appliances' name plates is not equal to its power, and it is much worse In addition: many motors in our unit have 380V / 660V voltages. What's the matter? On the first floor, are you talking about three-phase electricity? Why is the power of three-phase electricity multiplied by 1.732 Isn't power factor and efficiency the same thing?

The target voltage is rated voltage, rated current and rated power
The rated power is the output power, and the value between the rated voltage and the rated current should be multiplied by the power factor and efficiency. Generally, the power factor of single-phase motor multiplied by is almost the same
The power is 0.56p
Three phase motor is generally 0.85 0.85 is almost 0.73p
732 is the root sign 3
Three phase power is the multiplication of line voltage by line current and one power factor
Power factor refers to the ratio of the actual power consumed by the motor to the apparent power
Efficiency refers to the ratio of the actual output power of the motor to the consumed power
There is a big difference between the two, because there is no way to easily type a lot of symbols, it is difficult to explain clearly with you

How many kilowatt hours does a 500 Watt appliance need?

0.5 degree