What does r on the battery mean

What does r on the battery mean

"R" is the abbreviation of "register" in English. The Chinese meaning of "register" is "registration". The mark on goods or services is to tell people that the graphics or words marked on it are not only trademarks, but also registered trademarks, which are protected by national laws. Without authorization, no other individual or organization can use them without authorization

How long can 100Ah battery last for 1000W
Urgent questions need correct answers
The battery is 12V, with inverter to 220V, with 1000W, how long can it last

It depends on the voltage. If the voltage is U V, it can be used as follows:
U * 100Ah / 1000W hours

On the rechargeable battery

Ah is ampere hour, which is the capacity of battery and an important index of battery performance
For example, your battery is 14Ah, which means it can discharge for 1 hour at 14Ah

Ah of battery means power consumption of one ampere per hour?

Taking 1Ah as an example, the correct understanding is: discharge with 1A current can be continuous for 1 hour. If 0.5A current is used, discharge can be continuous for 2 hours. Ah is the product of current and time, and the unit is ampere (a) and hour (H) respectively
Ah is the capacity unit of the battery. The larger the value, the stronger the storage and discharge capacity of the battery,