How much resistance should 20 3V LED lamps be connected in series in the 220V circuit?

How much resistance should 20 3V LED lamps be connected in series in the 220V circuit?

Generally, the working current of LED is about 10-20ma. According to the brightness you need, choose a resistor of 10-20K. The resistor power of 0.5W is enough

Want to make a LED lamp, with 220 V AC, can you give a more detailed circuit diagram? I'm a layman, the more detailed the better, I hope which DX can help solve it,
By the way, it should be as bright as a 40W fluorescent lamp

If it's low-voltage DC power supply, it's OK. If it's 220 V, it's strange that it doesn't burn led
There are two methods
Low cost method: 100 LEDs are connected in series, high voltage capacitor and resistor are used to reduce voltage, and rectifier tube is added to rectify AC to DC. The disadvantage is that the voltage fluctuation is relatively large, and it is easy to be affected by the market wave, so the service life of LED will be reduced
The best way: buy a ready-made constant current driver and 100 LEDs in series, which is good for constant current operation and long LED life. The constant current driver can be built into the fluorescent lamp
The brightness is the same as that of a 40W fluorescent lamp, which needs more than 300 white LEDs to be bright enough