Chinese scientists, known as the "father of hybrid rice", are______ .

Chinese scientists, known as the "father of hybrid rice", are______ .

Yuan Longping, a native of Beijing and Han nationality, uses biological science and technology to cross wild rice with cultivated rice in breeding. The cultivated hybrid rice is a new variety bred by using the gene combination of wild rice and cultivated rice, so as to use its heterosis to improve the yield of rice. He is the famous father of hybrid rice in the world

Chinese scientists, known as the "father of hybrid rice", are______ .

Yuan Longping, a native of Beijing and Han nationality, uses biological science and technology to cross wild rice with cultivated rice in breeding. The cultivated hybrid rice is a new variety bred by using the gene combination of wild rice and cultivated rice, so as to use its heterosis to improve the yield of rice. He is the famous father of hybrid rice in the world

What can we learn from the two stories of Bi Sheng's movable type printing and Cai Lun's papermaking

I don't know what the two stories are
I think the inspiration of all innovations and inventions in the world should come from life. Only by carefully observing and feeling life, can we find the shining point in life and gain something in life

Zu Chongzhi's most outstanding scientific achievement is the accurate calculation of PI. Zhang Heng's most important contribution to human society is the invention of the seismograph. Is that right or wrong
Come on

That's right