Qu Yuan, Confucius, Li Bai, Su Shi, Sima Qian, what is their order, and explain the reason

Qu Yuan, Confucius, Li Bai, Su Shi, Sima Qian, what is their order, and explain the reason

Confucius (spring and Autumn period), Qu Yuan (Warring States period), Sima Qian (Western Han Dynasty), Li Bai (Tang Dynasty), Su Shi (Song Dynasty)
By time of birth

Views on the life choices of Qu Yuan and Sima Qian
Argumentative form, not less than 800 words, to write new, urgent!

Qu Yuan chose to die, while Sima Qian chose to struggle. Facing the two attacks of exile, Qu Yuan chose a way to go up, the world is clear, people are drunk and awake

How to understand Sima Qian's comment on Qu Yuan?
In the front, there is a sentence: "it's strange that Qu Yuan traveled to the vassal states with his talent. What country can't tolerate it, but he made himself if it is!" it should be a pity that Qu Yuan made his own decision. How can we understand this sentence: "with life and death, go lightly, and then lose completely"?
Why do you lose it?

"When I saw Jia shengdiao, I blame Qu Yuan for his talent. He was not allowed to travel among the vassals, but he made it so." from Jia Yi's point of view, I "blame" Qu Yuan for not teaching his posterity to disappoint him (because Jia Yi was being demoted at that time, which was very disappointing), "read bird Fu, die and live together, go away lightly, and lose himself" is Sima Qian's opinion of Jia Yi