How Edison invented the electric light

How Edison invented the electric light

Edison, the great inventor, invented a lot of things in his life. However, the only thing that can immediately get people's warm welcome is electric light. Because the advantages of electric light are visible to people. Its appearance means that people have another round of sun, and people's activities are no longer restricted by the dark objects
As early as 1821, British scientists David and Faraday invented an electric lamp called arc lamp. This kind of electric lamp uses carbon rod as filament. Although it can emit bright light, the light is dazzling, the power consumption is large, and the service life is not long, so it is very impractical
"Arc lamp is not practical, I must invent a kind of electric lamp with soft light, so that every household can use it." Edison made up his mind
So he began to test the material as filament: using traditional carbon rod as filament, the filament would break when it was electrified. Using ruthenium, chromium and other metals as filament, it would burn out after it was electrified for a moment. Using platinum filament as filament, the effect was not ideal. In this way, Edison tested more than 1600 kinds of materials, Many experts think the future of electric light is bleak. Some famous British experts even ridicule Edison's research as "meaningless". Some reporters also report: "Edison's ideal has come to nothing."
In the face of failure, in the face of some people's sarcasm, Edison did not retreat. He understood that every failure means a step closer to success
One time, Edison's old friend McKenzie came to visit him. Edison looked at McKenzie's long beard, and suddenly his eyes lit up and said, "beard, sir, I want to use your beard." McKenzie cut off a lock of it and gave it to Edison. Edison confidently selected some thick beards, carbonized them, and then put them in the light bulb, The results of the experiment are not ideal. "Try my hair, maybe it's OK," McKenzie said
Edison was deeply moved by his old friend's spirit, but he understood that his hair was the same as his beard, so he didn't take the old man's advice. Edison went to see the kind old man off. He helped the old man flatten his cotton jacket. Suddenly, he called out, "cotton, why don't you try it on?"
McKenzie untied his coat without hesitation, tore off a piece of cotton cloth and handed it to Edison. Edison put the cotton thread in a U-shaped sealed crucible and treated it with high temperature. Edison clamped the carbonized cotton thread with tweezers and prepared to install it in the light bulb. But because the carbonized cotton thread was thin and brittle, and Edison was too nervous, his hand holding the tweezers trembled slightly, so the cotton thread was broken, With great effort, Edison put a carbonized cotton thread into the light bulb
At this time, night fell. Edison's assistant took the air out of the light bulb and put it on the lampholder. Everything was ready. Everyone was waiting for the result quietly. When the power was turned on, the light bulb glowed golden yellow, and the whole laboratory was bright. After 13 months of hard struggle, more than 6000 materials were tested, and more than 7000 tests were carried out, finally a breakthrough was made
But how long will it last?
One hour, two hours, three hours It took 45 hours for this lamp to burn out. This is the first lamp of practical value. This day, October 21, 1879, was later designated as the future of electric lamp
"45 hours is still too short, it must be extended to hundreds of hours, even thousands of hours." Edison did not revel in the joy of success, but put forward higher requirements for himself
One day, when it was muggy, he picked up the bamboo fan on the table and thought about the problem. "Maybe a thousand pieces of bamboo filaments would be better after carbonization." Edison wanted to try everything he saw. The test results showed that bamboo filaments were very effective, durable, and the light bulb could light for 1200 hours
After further experiments, Edison found that the best effect was to use carbonized Japanese bamboo filament as filament. First, he began to mass produce electric lamps. He installed the first batch of lamps on the "Janet" research ship, so that the researchers could have more working time. After that, electric lamps began to be used in ordinary people's homes
Later, people have been using this kind of bulb with bamboo filament as filament. Decades later, it was improved, that is, using tungsten filament as filament, and filling the bulb with inert gas nitrogen or argon. In this way, the life of the bulb has been extended a lot. This is the bulb we are using now

How did edison invent the electric light

What did Edison observe when he invented the electric light

At the beginning of the 19th century, a British chemist made the world's first arc lamp with 2000 batteries and two carbon rods. However, this kind of light is so strong that it can only be installed in the street or square, and ordinary families can't use it. Countless scientists racked their brains to make a kind of cheap and durable household electric lamp

How Edison invented electric light
150-200 words, not too many

Edison and his assistants tried platinum several times, but although this kind of platinum with high melting point prolonged the light-emitting time of the electric lamp a lot, it was still not ideal to automatically turn off and then automatically light up from time to time. When Edison saw the neck made of cotton yarn, Edison suddenly had an idea: Yes! The fiber of cotton yarn