What persecution did Galileo, Copernicus and Bruno have before their new invention

What persecution did Galileo, Copernicus and Bruno have before their new invention

Giordano Btuno (1548-1600), Italian philosopher and thinker
In 1583, Bruno went to England to criticize scholasticism and theology, oppose Aristotle Ptolemy's geocentrism and promote Copernicus's heliocentrism. In 1585, he went to Germany to publicize progressive cosmology and oppose religious philosophy, which further aroused the fear and hatred of the Roman Inquisition. In 1592, Bruno was arrested in Venice and put into prison, Bruno always insisted on his theory, and finally was judged as "heresy" by the inquisition and burned to death in the flower square of Rome
Bruno's main works are on the infinite universe and the world. In the book, he defended Copernicus's heliocentric theory, and clearly pointed out: "the universe is infinite", "the universe is not only infinite, but also material". He also wrote Noah's ark, criticizing scholars who cling to the Bible
Copernicus was not burned. On May 24, 1543, Copernicus, a Polish scientist, died
In 1515, Copernicus began to write the theory of the operation of celestial bodies. After the completion of the theory, Copernicus hesitated to publish it. However, he thought that the book would be attacked by the believers of geocentrism and suppressed by the Holy See. With the support and encouragement of friends and students, Copernicus finally decided to publish the book after a long period of repeated consideration, On May 24, 1543, as he was dying, Copernicus finally saw the newly published on the operation of celestial bodies. Unfortunately, at that time, he was blind because of cerebral hemorrhage. He only touched the cover of the book and died
Galileo Galileo (1564-1642)
In 1609, Galileo observed through his own telescope and found that the moon is not a smooth sphere, and there are countless craters and mountains on its surface. So he concluded that, on the whole, the celestial body is not smooth and perfect, but has the same uneven surface as the earth, It's made up of many individual stars that are so far away from us that they look like a blur to the naked eye, There are four satellites orbiting Jupiter. This clearly indicates that there may be moving celestial bodies around planets other than the earth. Through observation, he found sunspots (in fact, some people have observed sunspots before him, but his published observation results are more convincing, He found that the profit and loss of Venus is very similar to that of the moon. This is an important evidence for the Copernican theory that the earth and all other planets orbit the sun
In 1616, he was banned from teaching Copernicus. In 1632, he published a dialogue on Ptolemy and Copernicus
In 1633, he was sentenced to eight years of house arrest by the Vatican inquisition, and was forced to break with Copernicus again
In 1638, Galileo published on two new sciences in Amsterdam
On January 8, 1642, Galileo died of illness

What influence did the theories of Bruno and Galileo Copernicus have at that time

Copernicus's achievement is the sun center theory. Bruno insisted on enriching the theory, and Galileo confirmed this theory, which liberated people's minds with science and made people have a more scientific understanding of astronomy at that time