Galileo died. Was Newton born in the same year rt

Galileo died. Was Newton born in the same year rt

On January 8, 1642, Galileo, a famous Italian astrophysicist, died at the age of 78
On January 4, 1643, Newton was born into a peasant family in ulsop, a small town in the east of England

What are the characteristics of Galileo's scientific research methods?

Do not blindly believe in authority, everything must be their own experiments to be sure
In the experiment on the Leaning Tower of Pisa, it was through the experiment that Aristotle's conclusion that 10 pound iron ball landed earlier than 1 pound iron ball was broken
Practice is the only criterion for testing truth

A brief introduction to Galileo
It should be shorter, about 50 words!

Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
The famous Italian mathematician, astronomer, physicist and philosopher are the scientific giant who first integrated mathematics, astronomy and physics on the basis of scientific experiments. Galileo is the pioneer of scientific revolution, who has proved and widely publicized the new world outlook created by Copernicus and Kepler all his life, He also aroused people's recognition of heliocentrism by his sacrifice under the persecution of the church, and made epoch-making contributions to the emancipation of human mind and the development of civilization

Newton's achievements in Mathematics
Who knows Newton's achievements in mathematics? The more specific the better, as long as the mathematics! Do not copy a large version to let me find! If satisfied, I will add 100 points!
I said don't copy to me!!! I only want math, nothing else! What mathematics does he study! Nothing else

Newton entered Trinity College of Cambridge University in 1661 and received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in 1665. He spent the next two years avoiding the plague in his hometown. During these two years, he worked out the blueprint of most important scientific creations in his life. After returning to Cambridge in 1667, he was elected as the member of Trinity College and received a master's degree the next year. He was Professor Lucas in 1669 until 1701. He was the supervisor of the Royal Mint in 1696, He became president of the Royal Society in 1703 and was knighted by Queen Anna in 1706
Newton's most outstanding contribution to science was the creation of calculus and classical mechanics
Note: Newton was born on December 25, 1642 (Gregorian calendar) on January 4, 1643, so the correct date of birth is January 4
Newton is known as one of the greatest scientists in human history
Invented calculus, discovered the law of gravitation and classical mechanics
Newton (International Unit), a measure of the size of the force in the international unit
In physics, Newton is the metric unit of force. It is named after Sir Isaac Newton who discovered classical mechanics
Newton is a unit derived from the international system of units, which is derived from the basic unit of the international system of units of kg · m · s ^ &; 2,
The magnitude of the force required to accelerate a kilogram of mass to 1 m / S ^ 2 is defined as 1 Newton
Newton Raphson method
Newton's method, also known as Newton Raphson method, is a method of approximate solving equations in real and complex fields. Methods the first several terms of Taylor series of function f (x) are used to find the root of equation f (x) = 0
Newton and binomial theorem
In 1665, just at the age of 22, Newton discovered the binomial theorem, which is an indispensable step for the full development of calculus. The binomial theorem can be found by direct calculation
Some simple results are generalized as follows
Promotion form
Binomial series expansion is a powerful tool for the study of number theory, function theory, mathematical analysis and equation theory. Today, we will find that this method is only applicable to n is a positive integer, when n is a positive integer 1,2,3,..., the series ends in exactly n + 1 term. If n is not a positive integer, the number of stages will not end, and this method is not applicable. But we need to know that at that time, Leibniz introduced the term function only in 1694. In the early stage of calculus, it was the most effective method to study transcendental functions with their levels
Create calculus
Newton's most outstanding achievement in mathematics is the creation of calculus. His outstanding achievement is that he unified all kinds of special skills for solving infinitesimal problems since ancient Greece into two kinds of general algorithms differential and integral, and established the inverse relationship between these two kinds of operations. For example, area calculation can be regarded as the inverse process of tangent
At that time, Leibniz also put forward the Research Report of calculus, which triggered a dispute about the patent right of calculus invention. It did not stop until Leibniz died. Later generations have decided that they invented calculus at the same time
Newton's extremely important contribution to the calculus method is that he not only clearly saw, but also boldly used the methodology provided by algebra which is greatly superior to geometry. He replaced the geometric methods of Cavalieri, Gregory, Huygens and barrow with algebraic method, and completed the algebraic integration. Since then, mathematics has gradually changed from the subject of feeling to the subject of thinking
In the early stage of the production of micro product, because there was no solid theoretical basis, it was exploited by some people with ulterior motives, which led to the famous second mathematical crisis. This problem was not solved until the establishment of limit theory in the 19th century
Advance the theory of equations and develop the variational method
Newton also made a classical contribution to algebra. His generalized arithmetic greatly promoted the theory of equations. He found that the imaginary roots of real polynomials must appear in pairs, and the rule for finding the upper bound of the roots of polynomials. He expressed the sum formula of the n-th power of the roots of polynomials by the coefficients of polynomials, and gave a generalization of the Cartesian sign rule for the restriction of the number of imaginary roots of real polynomials
Newton also designed a method to find the logarithm of the real root approximation of the numerical equation and the transcendental equation. The modification of this method is now called Newton's method
Newton also made great discoveries in the field of mechanics, which is the science of explaining the motion of objects. The first law of motion was discovered by Galileo. This law states that if an object is at rest or moving in a constant speed straight line, it will remain at rest or continue to move in a uniform speed straight line as long as there is no external force. This law is also called the law of inertia, It describes a property of force: force can make an object from rest to motion and from motion to rest, This is called Newton's first law. The most important problem in mechanics is how an object moves under similar conditions. Newton's second law solves this problem. It is regarded as the most important basic law in classical physics. Newton's second law quantitatively describes that force can change the motion of an object The acceleration is proportional to the force F and inversely proportional to the mass of the object, i.e. a = f / m or F = Ma; the greater the force, the greater the acceleration; the greater the mass, the smaller the acceleration. Both the force and the acceleration have both magnitude and direction. The acceleration is caused by the force, and the direction is the same as the force; if there are several forces acting on the object, the acceleration is generated by the resultant force, The second law is the most important, from which all the fundamental equations of dynamics can be derived by calculus
In addition, Newton formulated the third law according to the two laws. Newton's third law points out that the interaction between two objects is always equal in size but opposite in direction. For two objects in direct contact, this law is easier to understand. The downward pressure of the book on the desk is equal to the upward force of the desk on the book, that is, the force is equal to the reaction force. So is gravity, Newton's law of motion is widely used in science and dynamics
Newton's law of motion
Newton's law of motion is the general name of three laws of motion in physics proposed by Isaac Newton, which is regarded as the foundation of classical physics
It is "Newton's first law (Law of inertia: all objects always keep in a state of uniform linear motion or static state without any external force until it is forced to change this state by external force - it clarifies the relationship between force and motion and puts forward the concept of inertia)", "Newton's second Law (the acceleration of an object is proportional to the combined external force F on the object, It is inversely proportional to the mass of the object, and the direction of acceleration is the same as that of the external force.)
Newton method
Newton's method for solving nonlinear equation with exergy f (x) = 0 is a method to linearize nonlinear equation. It is one of the effective methods for solving algebraic equation and transcendental equation
A basic idea of Newton's method
The nonlinear function f (x) is expanded into Taylor series at
f(x)=f( )+(x- )f′( )+(x- ) + … 
If the linear part is taken as the approximate equation of the nonlinear equation f (x) = 0, then
f( )+(x- ) f′( )=0
Let f ′ () ≠ 0, then the solution is exergy x = - (1) exergy
Then expand f (x) to Taylor series at x, and take its linear part as the approximate equation of F (x) = 0
If f ′ (x) ≠ 0, then x = - and so on, the iterative formula of Newton's method is obtained: x = - (n = 0,1,2,...) ) (2)
In example 1, Newton's method is used to find a real root of the equation f (x) = x + 4x - 10 = 0 in [1,2], and the initial approximation is taken as x = 1.5
The solution exergy f '(x) = 3x + 8x exergy, so the iterative formula is as follows:
x = - n=0,1, 2,… 
Apple Newton, a handheld computer made by Apple computer company
Newton, the first handheld computer in the world, was manufactured by Apple computer company in 1993. However, because Newton could not find its position in the market, it stopped developing because of its low demand and stopped production in 1997
Newton's diligent study
When it comes to Newton, the pioneer of modern science, people may think that he must have been a "prodigy" and "genius" and had extraordinary intelligence when he was a child. In fact, Newton was thin and weak in his childhood, and his brain was not smart. When he studied in his hometown, he did not work hard, and his academic performance in the class was inferior. But his interest was extensive, and his ability of playing games was higher than that of ordinary children
Newton loved to make mechanical models, such as windmills, waterwheel, sundials and so on. His elaborate water clock, with accurate timing, was praised by people. Sometimes, his way of playing was also very strange. One day, he made a lantern to hang on the tail of a kite. When night fell, the lighted lantern rose into the air by the rising force of the kite. The luminous lantern was flowing in the air, People were shocked to think that there was a comet. Nevertheless, he was often discriminated against because of his poor academic performance
Time is equal to people and gives them the same amount, but people make different use of time and acquire different knowledge
At the age of 16, Newton's knowledge of mathematics was still very superficial, and he didn't even understand the advanced knowledge of mathematics. "Knowledge lies in accumulation, and intelligence comes from learning." Newton was determined to climb the peak of mathematics by his own efforts. Under the unfavorable conditions of poor foundation, Newton could correctly understand himself and advance in the face of difficulties, After studying Euclidean geometry, he studied Descartes geometry. In contrast, he thought Euclidean geometry was superficial, so he studied Descartes geometry carefully until he mastered the main points and understood them thoroughly. So he developed a corresponding curve. Under the guidance of old teacher barrow, Newton studied Descartes geometry