The resistance of a household electric soldering iron is 484 Ω. How much electric energy does it consume when it works normally for 10 minutes

The resistance of a household electric soldering iron is 484 Ω. How much electric energy does it consume when it works normally for 10 minutes

The working voltage of household electric iron is: u = 220 v
A: normal operation for 10 minutes consumes 60000 joules of electric energy

Use an electric iron marked with 220 V 45 w for 10 minutes under the voltage to calculate the actual power of 1 electric iron, the resistance of 2 electric heating wire, and the electric energy consumed by 3 electric iron(

(1) Because the electric iron works under the rated voltage, the actual power is its rated power
That is, P real = P amount = 45W
(2) Resistance of resistance wire: r = u & # 178 / P = 220 & # 178 / 45 ≈ 1075.56 (Ω)
Power consumption: w = Pt = 45 × 600 = 27000 (J)
A: slightly

When an electric iron is connected to the lighting circuit, the working resistance is 1936 ohm. How long can it work continuously and consume 1000 watts?
Who do you choose=

The formula of power is the square of voltage divided by resistance and then divided by 1000 watts, which is 220 * 220 / 1936 = 40 hours

There is an electric soldering iron. If it is in the same lighting circuit, and if the power of other forms that can be converted into heat energy is lower, the following
A. Cut off a small section of the resistance wire. B replace a thicker resistance wire. C connect a resistance wire in series with the resistance wire. D connect a resistance wire in parallel with the resistance wire

C yes
In order to reduce the power that other forms can be converted into heat, the total resistance of the circuit must be increased to reduce the current through the electric iron