What kind of energy does a hair dryer turn into when it blows cold air

What kind of energy does a hair dryer turn into when it blows cold air

It turns into wind energy

Xiaoli carefully observed the working condition of the hair dryer in her extracurricular activities and found that the hair dryer can blow hot air or cold air, so she went to work

So what? I haven't finished the title
There is an electric heating wire in the hair dryer. When blowing hot air, the electric heating wire will heat up. When blowing cold air, the electric heating wire will not heat up

Why and what can electric energy transform when hair dryer works?

Heat energy

Is the motor and heater in series or in parallel when blowing hot air

Parallel connection. I just repaired one yesterday. The heating wires in it are made up of several groups, which are also in parallel connection. Of course, the motors are also in parallel connection. Generally, there is a thermal protection in series in the main circuit. When it overheats, it will be disconnected to protect the circuit