How many watts is a volt

How many watts is a volt

Volt is the unit of voltage, Watt is the unit of power, P = IU
Power = current x voltage

How many watts is one volt

Volt, also known as volt, is the unit watt of voltage, also known as Watt, is the unit watt of electric power, which is equal to volt multiplied by ampere, so we need to know how much current is passed to calculate the result

As shown in the figure, the power supply voltage does not change. When the slide of the sliding rheostat is at the rightmost end, the readings of the voltmeter V1 and V2 are 12 V and 4 V respectively, and the reading of the ammeter A is 1 A. when the slide is in the middle of the rheostat, the readings of each meter are ()
A. V1 is 12 V; V2 is 4 V; a is 0.8 a; B. V1 is 12 V; V2 is 2.4 V; a is 1.2 A; C. V1 is 9.6 V; V2 is 2.4 V; a is 1.2 A; D. V1 is 8 V; V2 is 4 V; a is 0.8 a

According to the circuit diagram, the constant resistance R is connected in series with the sliding rheostat, the voltage of the power supply is measured by the voltmeter V1, the voltage of both ends of the sliding rheostat is measured by the voltmeter V2, and the current in the circuit is measured by the ammeter. (1) when the slide of the sliding rheostat is located at the rightmost end, ∵ the total voltage in the series circuit is equal to the sum of the partial voltages, ∵ the voltage of both ends of the constant resistance R: ur = U-U, sliding = 12v-4v = 8V Ohm's law can be obtained as follows: r = URI = 8v1a = 8 Ω, R slide = u slide, I = 4v1a = 4 Ω; (2) when the slide is located in the middle point of the slide rheostat, the resistance in the circuit is 12 × r slide = 2 Ω, and the voltmeter V1 still measures the voltage of the power supply, the voltmeter V1 still shows 12V, the total resistance in the series circuit is equal to the sum of the partial resistances, and the ammeter shows I '= ur + 12R slide = 12V8 Ω + 2 Ω = 1.2A At this time, the voltage at both ends of the sliding rheostat, that is, the indication of the voltmeter V2: u sliding center = I ′ r sliding center = 1.2A × 2 Ω = 2.4V

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