When doing the experiment to explore the current relationship between each branch and main circuit of parallel circuit, there are three ammeters. Which ammeter should be touched? One branch is 5 Ω, the other is 10 Ω, the power supply voltage is 3V, the range of ammeter is 0 ~ 0.6A 0 ~ 3a

When doing the experiment to explore the current relationship between each branch and main circuit of parallel circuit, there are three ammeters. Which ammeter should be touched? One branch is 5 Ω, the other is 10 Ω, the power supply voltage is 3V, the range of ammeter is 0 ~ 0.6A 0 ~ 3a

If the range of ammeter is far from 0 to 0.6A, try to contact the main circuit, but both the main circuit and the branch circuit are beyond the range of ammeter

What are the principles of current and voltage in the circuit measured by ammeter and voltmeter?

The measuring principle of voltmeter and ammeter is the same, that is, according to the current flowing through the meter head, the pointer deflects at different angles, and the measured value is obtained according to the scale of the dial
The actual current through the meter head is very small. There is a shunt circuit inside the ammeter, which can reduce the large current measured in proportion and reflect it on the dial. The voltmeter obtains the meter head current proportional to the measured voltage through voltage division and shunt, and uses the current to reflect the voltage