How to do the experiment of measuring resistance by voltammetry? If the control resistance does not change, why does it slide the slide to change the resistance? If the control voltage does not change, why does the voltmeter display different every time I'm going crazy What can t t do? It's too hard. I can't do it at all

How to do the experiment of measuring resistance by voltammetry? If the control resistance does not change, why does it slide the slide to change the resistance? If the control voltage does not change, why does the voltmeter display different every time I'm going crazy What can t t do? It's too hard. I can't do it at all

There should be a power supply, a sliding resistor, a resistance to be measured, a voltmeter and an ammeter in the circuit. The voltmeter should be connected to both ends of the resistance to be measured, and the sliding resistor is connected in series with the resistance to be measured. The sliding slide changes the total resistance value, thus changing the current, while the resistance to be measured is unchanged, and the current changes, The voltage at both ends of the resistance to be measured changes naturally. Only when the voltage and current change each time can we get different values of each group. Each group of voltage and current can be divided to get the resistance, and the average value of each resistance can be calculated. This is called the experiment of measuring resistance by voltammetry

Experimental report on measuring resistance by voltammetry
Write, answer

Experimental record of physical experiment: measuring resistance by voltammetry
① Experimental apparatus for measuring resistance by voltammetry
② Experimental steps
Understand circuit components, experimental diagram, circuit diagram, connecting circuit
③ The content of the experiment is as follows
a) Check preparation, connect circuit: close circuit key
b) Change the resistance value of the rheostat, read the meter and fill in the number. Move the slide of the sliding rheostat a little to the left, and fill in the reading (voltage value and current value) of the meter in the corresponding blank column (on the computer and in the table below)
Experiment times voltage (V) current (a) resistance (Ω) average resistance (Ω)
1 ....
2 ...
3 ...
c) Confirm the data and measure the resistance. Click the "confirm" button in the software to display the resistance value (automatically calculated according to Ohm's law) and fill in the table above. If the reading error is too large or the range is wrong, the "reading error" will be displayed in the corresponding position. Please read the table again and fill in
d) Change the current and repeat the experiment. Move the slide of the sliding rheostat to the middle and the left end respectively, and repeat reading and filling
e) Data analysis and summary. When the experiment is carried out three times, that is, input the measured voltage and current value three times, and display the resistance value, the software will automatically enter the "voltammetric resistance experiment data analysis" page. Observe the analysis results and select the answer to the multiple-choice question
④ According to the experimental process and results, after group discussion, fill in the following table
1. The understanding of Ohm's law,
2. The comparison between actual experiment and simulation experiment,
3. Experience of using software simulation
1. What are the circuit elements in the circuit and what are their functions?
2. The experiment shows that for a certain conductor, the________ When unchanged, flow through_______ Current and applied current________ It is proportional to the voltage
3. Why are the data different in each experiment?
4. What is the practical significance of the average resistance of the measured resistance?
5. Experimental experience:
⑤ Class communication. The representatives of this group are: