Experimental principle and steps of measuring nonlinear resistance by voltammetry ditto Who will design a circuit diagram for measuring nonlinear resistance by volt ampere method Mainly the experimental principle, experimental steps!

Experimental principle and steps of measuring nonlinear resistance by voltammetry ditto Who will design a circuit diagram for measuring nonlinear resistance by volt ampere method Mainly the experimental principle, experimental steps!

1. Choose two or more kinds of non-linear components, measure their volt ampere characteristic curve and dynamic resistance value respectively, study 2. On the basis of rough measurement, select appropriate experimental detection circuit according to resistance characteristics, and determine the accuracy of measuring instrument

Use voltammetry to measure resistance and explore the relationship between conductor resistance and temperature. What should be paid attention to?

1, the resistance does not change
2. The voltage should be changed
3. Other components of the circuit remain unchanged
4. Multiple measurements

It is known that the internal resistance Rg of the ammeter is 500 ohm and the full bias current Ig is 1mA. If the current is changed to a voltmeter with 3V range, it should be changed__ The joint resistance value is__ Ohm resistance

The answer is 2500 euro
Since the full current is 1mA and the internal resistance Rg = 500Ω, to become a 3V voltmeter means that when the ammeter is full biased, the total voltage of the series circuit is 3V
(500+R)*1MA=3V (1MA=0.001A)
The solution is: r = 2500 Ω
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There is a sensitive galvanometer at present. Its full bias current is Ig = 1mA and internal resistance is RG = 200 Ω______ One (in series or in parallel)______ The resistance in Ω

According to the shunt effect of shunt resistor, when refitting a large range ammeter, a resistor R should be connected in parallel, which should meet the requirements of I & nbsp; GR & nbsp; g = (& nbsp; & nbsp; I − I & nbsp; g) r. the solution is r = 0.04 Ω, so the answer is: parallel, 0.04 Ω