Why do dry batteries convert chemical energy into electrical energy?

Why do dry batteries convert chemical energy into electrical energy?

Generally speaking, the anode zn-2e - = Zn2, cathode 2nh4 2E - = 2nh3

Can the chemical energy of primary battery be completely converted into electrical energy

According to the law of thermodynamics, the efficiency of any energy conversion machine can not reach 100%, but it is higher than that of direct reaction

Chemical energy and electric energy conversion chemical equation

Electrolysis is the conversion of electric energy into chemical energy: 2nacl + 2H2O = electrolysis = 2naoh + Cl2 ↑ + H2 ↑
Galvanic cell is the conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy: Zn + CuSO4 = = ZnSO4 + Cu

How to transform chemical energy and electric energy

Galvanic cell: conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy
Electrolytic cell: conversion of electric energy into chemical energy
No matter how transformed, energy is conserved
You'll know when you learn chemistry as a sophomore in high school

On the conversion of chemical energy and electric energy
Energy obtained directly from nature is called energy___ , such as____ ,_____ ,_____ After processing, the converted energy becomes______ , such as______ ,_____ And so on,
The energy conversion process of coal-fired power generation is as follows_______ →_______ →_________ →_______

The energy directly obtained from nature is called primary energy, such as water, wind, raw coal, oil, natural gas, etc. the primary energy is processed and converted into secondary energy, such as electricity, steam, hydrogen, etc
Chemical energy internal energy mechanical energy electric energy