The energy released from the fission of 1kg uranium is about the energy released from the complete combustion of 2500t high-quality coal? The energy released from the fission of 1 kg uranium is about the energy released from the complete combustion of 2 500 t high quality coal (1) How many joules is this energy? (2) How many kilograms of water temperature can be increased by 50 ℃ by these energies at most The answer is (1) the third power of 8.5x10 and (2) the eighth power of 4x10

The energy released from the fission of 1kg uranium is about the energy released from the complete combustion of 2500t high-quality coal? The energy released from the fission of 1 kg uranium is about the energy released from the complete combustion of 2 500 t high quality coal (1) How many joules is this energy? (2) How many kilograms of water temperature can be increased by 50 ℃ by these energies at most The answer is (1) the third power of 8.5x10 and (2) the eighth power of 4x10

The first question is that it is equivalent to the energy of 2500t coal combustion, so we can work it out, that is, q = MQ
Second, M = q / CT, where t = 50 degrees Celsius, I can't type the symbol,
Two questions into the specific number can be found

The energy released by the complete fission of a uranium 235 nucleus is about 200MeV. How much energy can be released by calculating the complete fission of 1kg uranium?

It's easy,
First, how much is 1kg of uranium 235? Mol, 1000 / 235
Calculate how many atoms there are in 1kg uranium 235, multiply the number of moles by 6.02 * 10 to the 23rd power
Get the number of atoms and multiply it by 200 MeV per atom

What elements are produced after uranium fission?
Like the title,

Bombard the nucleus of uranium with high-speed atoms. After a neutron is captured by the nucleus, the nucleus will immediately be agitated, from spherical to elliptical, and from elliptical to dumbbell shaped. Finally, it will split into two small water droplets like a bead. One nucleus splits into two nuclei, releasing a lot of energy at the same time, Two or three more neutrons are released. These two or three neutrons fly out and hit the other two or three negative uranium nuclei respectively, causing these two or three uranium nuclei to fission again and release a lot of energy The discovery of pumping fission found the way of circling atomic energy, that is, it can continuously supply a large number of neutrons needed for nuclear fission through chain reaction. The atomic bomb is made according to the principle of heavy nuclear chain reaction
As for what elements are divided into two pieces, because the elements are determined by the number of protons in the nucleus, when the uranium nucleus is cracked, due to the different neutron energy captured, the way of cracking will be different, and there is uncertainty about what elements will be generated