Natural gas is a kind of clean energy. The heat released by the complete combustion of 1 cubic meter of natural gas is equivalent to the heat released by the complete combustion of how many kilograms of coke

Natural gas is a kind of clean energy. The heat released by the complete combustion of 1 cubic meter of natural gas is equivalent to the heat released by the complete combustion of how many kilograms of coke

Q release = vnatural gas Q natural gas = 1m × 8.7x10 ^ 7J / kg = 8.7x10 ^ 7J ∵ Q release = MQ ∵ M = q release ∵ q = 8.7x10 ^ 7J ∵ 3x10 ^ 7J / kg = 2.9kg A: the heat released by burning 1 cubic meter of natural gas is equivalent to that released by burning 2.9kg of coke

How many cubic meters of natural gas and how many grams of crude oil produce the same energy?
According to this relationship, is there more natural gas or more crude oil in the world? Thank you!

22.4 liters of natural gas is equivalent to no more than 16 grams of crude oil

Natural gas is a kind of clean energy. The heat released by burning 1m3 of natural gas is equivalent to the heat released by burning kg of coke? (the calorific value of natural gas is 8.7 × 107 J / m3 and that of coke is 3.0 × 107 J / kg)

Q = vnatural gas Q natural gas = mcoke Q coke, i.e. mcoke = vnatural gas Q coke = 1m3 × 8.7 × 107j / m33.0 × 107 J / kg = 2.9kg. A: the heat released by burning 1m3 of natural gas is equivalent to that released by burning 2.9kg of coke

Natural gas is a kind of clean energy. If 3 cubic meters of natural gas is completely burned, the heat released is 2.13x10 ^ 8j
