How many cubic meters of LPG per liter

How many cubic meters of LPG per liter

If it is liquid, due to the different proportion of components, the volume expansion of complete gasification is about 250-300 times. If it is gaseous, one liter is one cubic decimeter, one thousandth of a cubic meter!

2. Using solar water heater to heat 40 kg water, the water temperature rises from 18 ℃ to 36 ℃, and the heat absorbed by water is________ J. If the coal feed water with combustion value of 3.0 × 107 J / kg is used for heating, its efficiency is 20%, and it needs to be burned about 20%________ Kg coal
3. The water tank of a solar water heater is filled with 80kg water. After being exposed to the sun for 2 hours, the temperature rises from 20 ℃ to 50 ℃ and the absorbed heat is J. this is the way to increase the internal energy of water

Cm (36-18) = x calculate by yourself. The second question is x / 3.0 × 107 * 20%. As a result, you can calculate by yourself. Don't wait for ready-made OK