40 * 1.2v5000 MAH is equal to 48V mah?

40 * 1.2v5000 MAH is equal to 48V mah?


How much fat is 100 calories

The following are the daily intake and the proportion of calories: (9 calories per gram of fat; 4 calories per gram of carbohydrate; 4 calories per gram of protein) fat is less than 65 grams, 585 calories are less than 30% carbohydrate, 300 grams, 1200 calories, 60% protein, 47 grams, 188 calories, 9.4%

How many calories can 600 rope skipping burn? How many calories are equal to 1 jin of fat?

7700 kcal is equal to one kilogram (one kcal is equal to the energy required to raise one gram of water by one degree). The consumption of rope skipping is not so much. The intensity of every hour's jump can be 700-800 kcal per hour. It's only useful if I continuously exercise for more than 40 minutes. It can't be said that I first jump for 10 minutes, then rest for 20 minutes, and then rest together

How much fat does 485 kcal calorie consume