How many kilos of fat is 200 calories, or how many calories is one kilogram of fat?

How many kilos of fat is 200 calories, or how many calories is one kilogram of fat?

200 calories doesn't matter. I don't know about a kilo of fat`
Hope to adopt

How many calories is equal to one kilogram of fat

However, in many calorimeters, the calorie is referred to as "card", resulting in some confusion. After investigation, the actual unit of all foods marked as "card" below should be "calorie". In sports and diet, we often encounter several words of calorie

If 100 grams of milk contains 272 kilojoules of energy, and a baby needs 3400 kilojoules of energy per day, how much milk does the baby need at least?

Sugar, fat, protein can provide energy for the human body, milk contains sugar, protein, fat and other nutrients, 100 grams of milk contains 272 kilojoules of energy, and a baby needs 3400 kilojoules of energy per day, so the baby needs 3400 / 272 × 100  1250 grams of milk per day, so at least 1250 grams of milk is needed It needs 1250 grams less milk

What is the concept of 100 kJ energy on food packaging? How much energy is it?
Image examples

The calorific value of carbohydrate is 17.16j/g, that of fat is about 38.9j/g, and that of protein is about 17.16j/g, so it is equivalent to 10.3kg of carbohydrate Others are pushed in turn