How many kilojoules is one calorie?

How many kilojoules is one calorie?

One calorie represents the amount of heat absorbed by increasing the intake of one gram of water by one degree
One kilocalorie represents the amount of heat absorbed by increasing the intake of 1000 grams of water by one degree
1000 * 4.2 * 1 = 420 joules = 0.42 kJ

How many calories is 1000 kilojoules

1 cal = 4.185851820846 joules
1 kcal = 4185.851820846 joules ≈ 4.2 kJ

Kilojoule calories
What's the difference between calories and kilojoules?
What is the unit of food?
How to convert? How much energy does a 17-year-old woman need a day?

Kcal and kJ, the unit of heat. Conversion method: 1 kcal (1 kcal) = 1000 kcal, 1 kcal = 4.182 Joule
The nutrients that can provide calories in food are called thermogenic nutrients, including carbohydrates, protein, fat and alcohol. Each gram of carbohydrates or protein can provide 4 kilocalories, and each gram of fat can provide 9 kilocalories, which is a thousand calories
Daily basic energy requirement = 655.096 + 9.563 × (W) + 1.85 × (H) - 4.676 × (a)
W: Weight in kilos
H: Height in centimeters
A: Age, in years
I don't know the height and weight of this 17-year-old girl! You can use the formula to change the height and weight for calculation! Suppose that a woman with a height of 165 cm and a weight of 58 kg is calculated, her daily basic energy requirement is 655.096 + 9.569 × (58) + 1.85 × (165) - 4.676 × (17) = 1595.722, which requires at least 1595.722 kcal to maintain her daily basic metabolism, Generally speaking, women should not consume less than 1600-1800 calories a day

How many kilojoules is one thousand calories?

The conversion between kcal and Joule (J) is slightly different, but it is about 1 kcal = 4.18 Joule, generally 1 kcal = 4.2 Joule
Kilocalorie, also known as large card, is usually used as a unit in daily life
Then 1 kcal = 4 185.851820846 joules