How many megajoules is 123390539974.9 kcal

How many megajoules is 123390539974.9 kcal

123390539974.9 * 4.18/1000 = 515772875 MJ

How many megajoules is 46240000 kcal?

1 kcal = 4184 joules
46240000 kcal = 193468160000 J = 193468.16 MJ

What is the change rule of resistance value of photoresistors with light and dark? What materials are photoresistors made of?
Can the relationship between photoresistance and light be expressed by formula?

Photosensitive resistor, also known as photoresistor, is a kind of resistor made by the photoelectric effect of semiconductor, whose resistance value changes with the intensity of incident light. When the incident light is strong, the resistance decreases, while the incident light is weak, the resistance increases. Photosensitive resistor is generally used for light measurement, light control and photoelectric conversion

The formula of Ohm's law can be written as u = IR, so it can be said that the voltage at both ends of the resistance is proportional to the current

It should be said that the current is proportional to the voltage. There is a causal relationship here. It is the voltage that determines the current