The flow rate is 1200 cubic meters per hour and the drop is 5 meters. What kind of power generator can be driven

The flow rate is 1200 cubic meters per hour and the drop is 5 meters. What kind of power generator can be driven

The discharge is 1200 cubic meters (tons) per hour, which is equivalent to 333.33 kg / s, the drop is 5 meters, and its potential energy per second is e = MGH, in which M = 333.33 kg (per second), g = 9.8 (acceleration of gravity), e = 16000 joules (per second, Watts). At present, the efficiency of small and medium-sized hydropower generation is 75% to 85%, and calculated by 80%, e = 13000 watts, that is, 13 kW,

The water flow of the waterfall is Q, the velocity before falling is V1, the drop is h, the velocity after passing through the turbine is V2, the conversion efficiency is η, and the power P is calculated
The density of water is ρ

The mass of water flow in t time m = ρ v = ρ QT
Energy conservation: MV1 ^ 2 + MGH = MV2 ^ 2 + Pt / η

There is a small hydropower station in a mountainous area. 60 cm3 square meters of water per minute falls from the turbine. The drop between the turbine and the upstream water level is 50 m
(1) How much work does gravity do in minutes when water falls from the bottom. (g takes 10N / kg)

N = 10hq (9.81 ≈ 10) = = 300kW = 300000 n · M / s this is the theoretical data! There should be loss, generally 0.75
Supplement: 60cm3 = 0.6m3