Simplification of multiple symbols Tell me a few things

Simplification of multiple symbols Tell me a few things


English mathematical symbols, inch, fraction, ~, etc
At 5'5 "five feet five inches
In the $60000 $80000 income band
How to write these full names in English?

five feet five inches zero point five / nought point five between sixty thousand to eight thousand dollars

How to read some mathematical symbols in English
One is the symbol for the sum (similar to the m on the side)
There is also a bracket
And square
For example, the square of (1 + 2) times the square of (1 + 3)?
thank you

Sum: sigma bracket (); round brackets, parents Square: square bracket one plus two bracket closed squared then multiplied by bracket one plus three bracket closed squared

How to read mathematical symbols in English
It's a book and a'b
How to read "in Chinese"?
It's like it starts with A. forget it,
