What is the outer diameter of yjv22 - 10kV 3 * 300 high voltage cable, and what diameter of PVC pipe and metal pipe should be selected for laying through pipe?

What is the outer diameter of yjv22 - 10kV 3 * 300 high voltage cable, and what diameter of PVC pipe and metal pipe should be selected for laying through pipe?

Let me explain to you first: yjv22 - 10kV 3 * 300mm2 is a cross-linked ethylene insulated steel tape armored copper core 10kV line cable
159 seamless steel pipe or 160 PVC or PE pipe can be worn

Installation requirements of hydrogen pipeline support
What are the requirements for the installation of hydrogen pipe support?
Are there any special requirements between pipe and support?

Please refer to GB 4962-2008 safety technical specification for hydrogen use
4-4.6 the hydrogen pipeline should be laid overhead, and its support should be non combustible. The overhead pipeline should not be laid on the same support with the cable and conductive line
There are no special requirements between the pipe and the support except that the support shall be non combustible