What does thermal power plant use to generate electricity? A potential energy B electric energy C chemical energy D light energy

What does thermal power plant use to generate electricity? A potential energy B electric energy C chemical energy D light energy

As we all know, the main raw material of thermal power station is coal
Coal contains chemical energy C

Are thermal power generation, hydropower generation and wind power generation based on electromagnetic induction? What about solar power generation?

The basic principles of thermal power generation, hydropower generation and wind power generation are the same. They all convert other energy into electric energy through electromagnetic induction. There are two ways of solar power generation, solar photovoltaic power generation and solar photothermal power generation
Solar photovoltaic power generation is through the sunlight on the solar cell, in the semiconductor p-n junction, the formation of new hole electron pairs. Under the effect of p-n junction electric field, the hole flows from the N region to the p region, and the electron flows from the p region to the N region. After the circuit is connected, the current is formed
In fact, solar thermal power generation is similar to thermal power generation. The difference is that thermal power comes from coal or fuel oil, while solar thermal power comes from a large amount of heat energy collected by solar energy

What is the energy output mode of nuclear power, wind power, hydropower, solar power, thermal power, and what is the transformed energy

Who can turn all kinds of energy into electric energy? Solar thermal energy battery is chemical energy into electric energy

How long can hydropower and solar power generate electricity
I need specific data about how long hydropower generation and solar power generation can generate one degree of electricity. A simple example is that these two power generation methods use a 1 kW generator to work for one hour to generate one degree of electricity. How much solar energy is used to drive the generator and how much water flow is used to drive these two methods

I don't know you don't understand the principle of solar power generation. Solar power generation is that the sunlight directly irradiates the semiconductor and generates electricity directly. It doesn't need to use any generator. It's not the same as water power generation that uses water energy to drive the generator to generate electricity