From the point of view of energy conversion, this paper explains why the sound is bigger than the sound is smaller and consumes more electric energy when the TV is working at the same time Such as the title

From the point of view of energy conversion, this paper explains why the sound is bigger than the sound is smaller and consumes more electric energy when the TV is working at the same time Such as the title

The larger the mechanical energy is, the greater the power consumption is

Design a scheme to compare the power consumption of TV and washing machine in the same working time!
Use an energy meter

The simplest way is to install each meter, and then use the method of measuring current to see the output current multiplied by voltage multiplied by time when they work

If the name plate of a 37 Inch LCD TV has the words "220 V & nbsp; & nbsp; 200 W", then the TV can work normally for one hour______ Kilowatt hours of electricity

The power of the TV set is p = 200W = 0.2KW. The power consumption of the TV set for one hour of normal operation is w = Pt = 0.2KW × 1H = 0.2KW · H

Does a light bulb turn electrical energy into heat when it emits light?

I think if it's incandescent, it's right
In my opinion, the bulb first converts the electric energy into internal energy, and then the filament glows due to the action of internal energy. That is to say, the light energy is converted into internal energy, not electric energy. Therefore, it can be considered that the electric energy is completely converted into heat energy, and the light energy is generated later
For reference only!