Electric energy is consumed when working with electrical appliances. Twenty days is the energy that the electric current converts into by doing work with electrical appliances

Electric energy is consumed when working with electrical appliances. Twenty days is the energy that the electric current converts into by doing work with electrical appliances

Electric current transforms electrical energy into mechanical energy, light energy, chemical energy or sound energy through electrical appliances. The reason for the energy depends on what kind of equipment the electrical appliances are. If the electric lamp is converted into light energy, the motor is converted into kinetic energy, and the water heater is converted into heat energy

When the electric lamp works, () does work, and the electric energy is converted into () energy

When an electric lamp works, work is done and electric energy is converted into internal energy and light energy

When a 60 watt bulb works normally, how much work does the current do in one second?

1 degree = 1000W * H = 3.6 * 10 ^ 6 joules

In chemical power supply, it is ()
A. Kinetic energy B. heat energy C. light energy D. chemical energy

In the chemical power supply, when the battery works, the chemical energy is converted into electric energy, so D