Physics -- an example of using sound energy People use sound energy to do things. Who knows some examples of this,

Physics -- an example of using sound energy People use sound energy to do things. Who knows some examples of this,

Generating electricity from noise
Cleaning precision instruments with ultrasonic wave
Removal of human calculus by ultrasound
Detection of fish on the sea floor by ultrasonic wave
Using ultrasonic film

How to use sound energy?

Sound energy, like other energy, is available to human beings and is widely used in real life
1. Processing
The use of sound energy can be applied to ultrasonic welding, ultrasonic cleaning, ultrasonic machining, ultrasonic detection, "stirring" and so on. The main application is the form of mechanical energy of sound energy, such as the application of "cavitation" effect, The continuous high pressure is like a series of small "explosions", which constantly impact the surface of the object, so that the dirt in the surface and crevices of the object quickly peels off, so as to achieve the purpose of purifying the surface of the object. The same is true of the ultrasonic washing machine
2. Thermal conversion
Using the thermal effect of sound energy can also solve heating or heat treatment
3. Pronunciation
Speech and singing depend on sound energy
4. Dust removal
Ultrasonic wave can change the charge of suspended dust particles in the atmosphere. Playing ultrasonic wave to dust particles in the air can make dust particles absorb and agglomerate with each other to form larger particles and fall to the ground, so as to achieve the purpose of dust reduction and dust removal
4、 Sound and feeling
For example, mice hate the frequency of 18-35 kHz. People use the principle of electromagnetic wave and ultrasonic wave to invent electronic mouse repeller, electronic mosquito repeller and electronic bird repeller that interfere with small animals such as pests to move away
It can also promote the growth of crops, increase their size and yield

Utilization of sound energy

The use of sound energy can be applied to ultrasonic welding, ultrasonic cleaning, ultrasonic machining, ultrasonic detection, "stirring" and so on. The main application is the form of mechanical energy of sound energy, such as the application of "cavitation" effect, The continuous high pressure is like a series of small "explosions", which constantly impact the surface of the object, so that the dirt in the surface and crevices of the object quickly peels off, so as to achieve the purpose of purifying the surface of the object. The same is true of the ultrasonic washing machine
Using the thermal effect of sound energy can also solve heating or heat treatment. American scientists have designed a refrigerator which depends on sound refrigeration. It is cylindrical in shape, with glass fiber board stacked on the outside of the cylinder. The cylinder is filled with nitrogen or other inert gas. One end of the cylinder is closed, and the other end is a vibrating diaphragm box, which is connected with voice coil, wire and magnet, The gas in the cylinder is forced to expand, and the heat generated is quickly transmitted and lost by the glass fiber, so as to achieve the purpose of cooling and refrigeration
Speech and singing depend on sound energy
Ultrasonic wave can change the electric charge of suspended dust particles in the atmosphere. Playing ultrasonic wave to dust particles in the air can make dust particles absorb and agglomerate with each other, integrate into larger particles and fall to the ground, so as to achieve the purpose of dust reduction and dust removal. American scientists have found that high-energy acoustic wave can make dust particles agglomerate and sink due to weight increase, They have developed a dust alarm, which can be used for chimney dust removal, controlling dust particles in high temperature, high pressure and high corrosive environment and eliminating air pollution
For example, mice hate the frequency of 18-35 kHz. Based on the principle of electromagnetic wave and ultrasonic wave, people have invented electronic mouse repellers, electronic mosquito repellers and electronic bird repellers that interfere with insects and other small animals to move away. Ultrasonic wave can also promote the growth of crops by regularly transmitting ultrasonic waves to some fruit trees and vegetables in the early fruiting stage, The results show that the yield of tomato can be increased by two times after 30 times of 100 dB sharp sound treatment in the growing period. The yield of rice, soybean, cucumber and other crops can also be increased by sound treatment
According to the principle that the energy contained in sound wave can be transformed into electric energy when encountering barriers in its transmission, British scientists have designed and manufactured a tympanic membrane type sound wave receiver. By connecting it with a resonator that can increase the sound energy, the sound energy can be quickly converted into electric energy for some small electrical appliances
In Britain, scientists have developed a new technology to control noise by sound. By using computers and sensors, analog sound is converted into digital signals and analyzed to eliminate noise, The technology has been applied to industrial air conditioners, exhaust fans, nuclear resonance imaging systems, high-power refrigerators and other fields in the United States
Some doctors use sound to diagnose some diseases. When human tissues are affected by external factors, the active molecules will fluctuate irregularly, and the body temperature of the parts will increase. At the same time, the noise will be greater. Doctors can accurately diagnose the exact location and scope of lesions and inflammation with special and special instruments
With the development of modern film and television technology, there is also a new technology to shoot underwater TV with sound instead of light. This task is accomplished by sound transmitter, concave mirror, TV receiver and ancillary equipment. When shooting, sound waves are emitted from the transmitter and reflected back to the underwater target. After focusing by concave mirror, the sound signal is converted into electrical signal by sound electric camera tube and transmitted to the TV display, The picture tube can display the image converted from the electrical signal. If it needs to be preserved for a long time, it can also be recorded by a video recorder so that it can be played at any time. When underwater TV images are taken by using sound waves, color TV images and stereoscopic TV images can also be taken, achieving satisfactory results, In addition, the underwater acoustic system with computer data processing function will enable people to observe large underwater animals, submarines and sunken ships

What is sound energy

Sound energy is a form of energy. Its essence is the transfer and transformation of mechanical energy in the form of wave after the object vibrates. Conversely, the transfer and transformation of other energy can also be reduced to mechanical energy to produce sound. Change can be reversed