What can be converted into what can be converted into what can be converted into when the battery is used for external power supply? What can be converted into what can be converted into when the generator is used for power generation?

What can be converted into what can be converted into what can be converted into when the battery is used for external power supply? What can be converted into what can be converted into when the generator is used for power generation?

Dry battery, battery power supply is chemical energy into electrical energy
When a generator generates electricity, mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy

Energy conversion of power supply, dry battery and storage battery during charging and discharging
Please explain one by one, thank you

During charging, the electric energy is converted into chemical energy and stored in the battery by electrolysis, dissociation and re combination;
When discharging, the process is opposite to charging. After the power is turned on, the material in the battery discharges and forms a current in the circuit, which converts the chemical energy into electric energy

What changes do dry batteries and storage batteries use to supply power? From the perspective of energy conversion, what can they convert into why,
What can be converted into why when the battery is charged

When charging, the electrical energy is converted into chemical energy, and when discharging, the chemical energy is converted into mechanical energy or electrical energy, etc. (depending on the purpose)
The most commonly used plate is a grid made of lead alloy, and the electrolyte is dilute sulfuric acid. Both plates are covered with lead sulfate. However, after charging, the lead sulfate on the positive plate changes into lead dioxide, and the lead sulfate on the negative plate changes into metal lead. When discharging, the opposite chemical reaction occurs
The electromotive force of lead-acid battery is about 2 V, which is usually composed of 6 V or 12 V batteries in series. When the battery discharges, the concentration of sulfuric acid decreases. The method of measuring the specific gravity of electrolyte can be used to judge whether the battery needs to be charged or whether the charging process can be ended
The advantage of lead-acid battery is that the electromotive force is stable when discharging, but the disadvantage is that the specific energy (the energy stored per unit weight) is small and it is corrosive to the environment
After charging, the positive plate is brown lead dioxide (PbO2), and the negative plate is gray fluffy lead (PB). When the two plates are placed in sulfuric acid (H2SO4) solution with the concentration of 27% - 37%, the lead in the plate reacts with sulfuric acid, and the divalent lead positive ion (Pb2 +) is transferred to the electrolyte, Two electrons (2e -) are left on the negative plate. Due to the attraction of positive and negative charges, lead positive ions gather around the negative plate, while a small amount of lead dioxide (PbO2) infiltrates into the electrolyte under the action of water molecules in the electrolyte, in which the divalent oxygen ions combine with water, Lead hydroxide [Pb (OH4)] is an unstable substance that can dissociate lead dioxide. Lead hydroxide is composed of four valence lead ions (PB4 +) and four hydroxyl groups [4 (OH) -]. The positive plate is positively charged by the four valence lead ions (PB4 +) remaining on the positive plate. Because the negative plate is negatively charged, there is a certain potential difference between the two plates, This is the electromotive force of the battery. When the external circuit is connected, the current flows from the positive electrode to the negative electrode. During the discharge process, the electrons on the negative electrode continuously flow to the positive electrode through the external circuit. At this time, hydrogen positive ions (H +) and sulfate negative ions (SO42 -) are ionized in the electrolyte due to sulfuric acid molecules. Under the action of ionic electric field force, the two ions move to the positive and negative electrodes respectively, After the sulfate anion reaches the negative plate, it combines with the lead cation to form lead sulfate (PbSO4). On the positive plate, because the electrons flow in from the external circuit, they react with the 4-valent lead cation (PB4 +) to form the 2-valent lead cation (Pb2 +), and immediately combine with the sulfate anion near the positive plate to form lead sulfate, which is attached to the positive plate
With the discharge of the battery, both the positive and negative plates are sulfurized, and the sulfuric acid in the electrolyte decreases gradually, while the moisture increases, which leads to the decrease of the specific gravity of the electrolyte. In practical use, the discharge degree of the battery can be determined by measuring the specific gravity of the electrolyte, Otherwise, the small lead sulfate crystals mixed with active substances will form a larger body, which not only increases the resistance of the plate, but also makes it difficult to re reduce during charging, which directly affects the capacity and life of the storage tank. The charging of lead-acid battery is the reverse process of discharge
The lead-acid battery is widely used because of its stable working voltage, wide range of operating temperature and current, hundreds of cycles of charge and discharge, good storage performance (especially suitable for dry charging storage) and low cost, It can ensure the minimum floating charge current of lead-acid battery, reduce the amount of water added and prolong its service life; the use of lead lithium alloy cast positive grid can reduce self discharge and meet the needs of sealing. In addition, the open lead-acid battery should be gradually changed to sealed type, and acid proof, explosion-proof and hydrogen elimination lead-acid batteries should be developed