How much is 500 Pa? How much is 500 Pa?

How much is 500 Pa? How much is 500 Pa?

When the pressure on an area of one square meter is one Newton, the pressure produced is one Pascal [1pA = 1n / (m × m)]. And the kilogram force is the unit of force: 1kg force = 9.8newton. Therefore, 1kg = 4.9newton. These are two physical quantities with different concepts. It is impossible to say "how much is 500pa? How much is 500kg?" but there is a certain relationship between them: to produce the pressure of "500pa", the pressure of "500pa" can be calculated, It needs to be in an area of 1 square centimeter, and the applied pressure is about 0.01 Jin
You can convert P = f / s by yourself. In this case, 500kg = 250kgf = g = MGS is the stressed area. You can calculate it and accumulate it

How many jin is one Jin equivalent to Song Dynasty? Water Margin, Wusong weight 500 Jin. How much is it equivalent to now?

In the early Song Dynasty, officials weighed 680 kg, 640 kg in the middle of the Northern Song Dynasty, and 625 kg in the early Southern Song Dynasty. Now one kg is equivalent to 0.7-0.8 kg, and Wusong weighs 500 kg. It is equivalent to 625-680 kg now. Wusong's weight seems to be exaggerated
How much does the scale weigh in Song Dynasty? Liu Chengli's scale clearly says that Chunhua money is the weight of one jin. According to Yuhai, it is repeatedly recorded that the imperial Book Chunhua money "order" and Kaiyuan Tongbao money weight, etc. are customized by Fu Yousi, According to the average weight of 26 pieces of Tongbao, Chunhua Yuanbao and Zhidao Yuanbao collected in the Museum of Chinese history in the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, each is 4245g, or about 425g, which is exactly the same weight as Kaiyuan Tongbao of the Tang Dynasty, Therefore, the weight of a Jin weighed by an official in the early Song Dynasty was 680 grams, which was exactly the same as that in the Tang Dynasty
There is no lack of 680 grams of historical data supporting song Jinzhong
According to Ouyang Xiu's "Ji Gu Lu Ba Wei Yi", Liu Chang's "gukou Tongyong" in Han Dynasty "weighs 40 Jin" and his "original father" corrects it with his present power and weighs 15 Jin ". That is to say, one Jin in Song Dynasty is 2.67 times of that in Han Dynasty, If the weight of a Jin in Song Dynasty is 680g, it is 2.7 times of that in Han Dynasty
In Yuan you's archaeology map, Lu Dalin collected several reliable ancient utensils for comparison. The results are as follows: 1. The weight of Jin in Qin II was 6 Liang in Song Dynasty, and the weight of Jin in Song Dynasty was 2.67 times of that in Qin Dynasty, The inscription weighs three Jin and eight Liang, and the actual measurement is one Jin and five Liang in Song Dynasty, which is 2.67 times of that in Han Dynasty. If one Jin in Song Dynasty is 680g, the weight of one Jin in Qin and Han Dynasty is 254.7g (2.67 times) and 252.79g (2.69 times) respectively. According to the bronze objects of Qin and Han Dynasty, the weight of one Jin is 252g to 258g, so these materials can be used, The ratio of song scale to it is only 272 times, but if the weight of song scale is small, the ratio will be reduced, and it will not match the result of Lv's calculation
Some scholars put forward a new theory that the weight of song Yijin should be 640 grams or less, saying that there are unearthed objects to testify. According to the following three main objects of song Quan published in recent years, the first is the "Jiayou Baijin copper rule" unearthed in Xiangtan, Hunan Province, which is well-made and standard weight type, with a real weight of 64000 grams and a jin of 640 grams. The second is the "Yongfeng Xining Baijin copper mound" unearthed in Ruian, Zhejiang Province, It was made by yongfengjian of Chizhou at that time, with a real weight of 625000 grams, or 625 grams per kilogram. (see the atlas, pp. 157 and 158). The third is the "Yuanqu County shop sample" discovered in Yuanqu of Shanxi Province in the seventh year of Yuanyou period, which is a large standard stone weight of 140 kilograms without inscription. (cultural relics, issue 1, 1986 and issue 7, 1987). It is a civil sample, In the Northern Song Dynasty, a large table of Jiechi salt weighs 220 Jin (Song Jin). From Anyi to Yuanqu, the loss of 2 jin can be reported. If the weight is 218 Jin, it means that it is up to the standard and there is no stealing. The sample weight is 140 kg times kg divided by 218 Jin, It is equal to 642.2 grams per kilogram. The three objects have two characteristics: first, they are not official scales of Taifu temple and Wensiyuan, but scales specially made by professional departments or imitated by folk, some of which are more specifically used for salt; second, they are not real utensils of the early Northern Song Dynasty, but products of the middle period, and the later the time, the lighter the weight, The government is the biggest seller. A small scale can take advantage of it. In terms of one jin, the weight of copper was reduced from 680 g in the early Song Dynasty to 640 g in the Jiayou period, which was nearly 6% lighter. The weight of copper mound in Xining was more than 9% lighter than that in the early Song Dynasty, In the late Tang Dynasty (Dali time), the weighing power of Chang'an city was 8.4% less than that of the early Tang Dynasty, and the weight of each Jin was only 623 grams. The Song Dynasty was just a repeat of history. However, just as the weight of each Jin in the early Tang Dynasty was 680 grams, the weight of each Jin in the early Song Dynasty was the same as that in the early Tang Dynasty, However, if we set the weight of Jin in Song Dynasty as 640g, or average the weight of Jin in different times as 640g and 625g, that would erase the changes in the period before and after weighing in Song Dynasty
As a matter of fact, the changes of the balance system in Song Dynasty were not limited to the reduction of the weight of specialized departments and monopoly commodities. With the passage of time, through the chain reaction, the phenomenon of weighing and reducing further spread to other aspects, At the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, silver ingots were more than 40 grams or 40 grams per pair, that is, 640 grams or more per kilogram. This shows that 640 grams of silver ingots are commonly used in the sale of general commodities and the receipt and payment of money. At the beginning of the Southern Song Dynasty, even the silver ingots produced by the general manager of Guangzhou economy dropped to 39 grams (Shaoxing 26th year), that is, 624 grams per kilogram, It can be seen that the weight (625g) of the Bronze Ingot of Yongfeng prison in Xining was now popular in the Treasury, but it was also used in other occasions, especially in expenditure occasions. Later, the number of grams per pair of silver collars was reduced to about 38g. The silver ingots in the Treasury in the late Southern Song Dynasty (during the reign of emperor LiZong) were marked as "city scale 52g", "two hundred and fifty Liang", and the actual scale was only 1.875kg and 9375g, In other words, the average weight of a market scale is only 375g, and the weight of a market scale is 600g. This kind of market scale is used in the government's financial settlement, which is openly legitimate. The income is reduced by such a scale, and the expenditure is even smaller. According to the history after the Song Dynasty, it is worth noting that the reduced market scale in the Song Dynasty became the legal official scale in the later dynasties, In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the weight of one Jin was close to 600 grams, which evolved from the weight of one Jin in the Song Dynasty?
From 680g in the early Song Dynasty, to 640g in the middle Northern Song Dynasty, to 625g in the early Southern Song Dynasty, the development of history is very clear

How many tons is 369000

369000 grams?
369 000 g = 369 kg = 0.369 t

8 tons 500 kg is equal to how many tons

According to 1 ton = 1000 kg
So 8 tons 500 kg = 8.5 tons