A car can travel 80 km / h on the expressway from place a to place B. the driver estimates that if the speed is increased by 20%, it will take 0.5 hours more, Find the distance between a and B; can the answer be without equations

A car can travel 80 km / h on the expressway from place a to place B. the driver estimates that if the speed is increased by 20%, it will take 0.5 hours more, Find the distance between a and B; can the answer be without equations

Suppose that the distance between a and B is XKM
Originally, it could be 80 hours per hour, so the required time: X / 80 hours
Now the speed is increased by 20%, and the speed after the increase is: 80 × (1 + 20%) = 96 (km / h)
So the time required after the acceleration: X / 96 hours
According to 0.5 hours more after the acceleration (I think it should be less than 0.5 hours), the equation is listed: X / 80 = x / 96 + 0.5
The solution is: x = 240 (km)
A: the distance between a and B is 240 km
Is that ok?

A car is going from place a to place B at the speed of 80 kilometers per hour. The driver estimates that if the speed is increased by 20%, it will take 0.5 hours to reach place B. how many kilometers are there between the two places?
Use arithmetic, not equations,


A car goes from place a to place B at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour. The driver estimates that if the speed is increased by 20%, it can be used less
How many meters is the distance between a and B?

What a boring question

A car drove along the highway from a to B. the driver estimated that if the speed was increased by 20%, it would be 1:30 minutes earlier than the original time
If you drive 200 km at the original speed and then increase the speed by 25%, you will arrive 36 minutes earlier. (1) calculate the planned time? (2) the planned time for the second speed increase? (3) how many kilometers are there between a and B?

(1) When the vehicle speed is increased by 20%, the time taken is 1 / 6 (1 + 0.2) = 5 / 6 of the original time, so the planned time is 1.5 × 6 = 9 hours. (2) similar to the first question, the vehicle speed is increased by 25%, the time taken is 4 / 5 of the planned time, saving 1 / 5 of the time

The Beijing Shanghai expressway is 1262 km long. A car starts from Beijing and runs at a constant speed for 5 hours, then increases the speed by 20 km / h
After driving at a constant speed for another 5 hours, reduce the speed by 10 km / h, and then reach Shanghai after driving at a constant speed for another 5 hours. Question (2) according to the map (see Exercise 3.4, title 8 of the textbook), which section of the road is the car on? The total length of the road is 1262 km, and the length of one section of the road can be estimated in proportion from the map

Let the 5-hour velocity of the first uniform velocity line be X
Then the speed after 20 km / h is x + 20
After 5 hours, the deceleration speed of 10 km / h is x + 20-10 = x + 10
The equation is as follows
X = 74.13333 (cycle)
X is about 74
74 + 20 = 94 km / h
74 + 20-10 = 84 km / h
A: the speed of each period is 74 km / h, 94 km / h and 84 km / h respectively

Xiao Li goes from a to B. if he rides a motorcycle for 20 minutes from a and then changes to a bicycle for 80 minutes, he just arrives at B. if he rides from a first
Another 35 minutes by motorcycle, you will arrive at the second place. How many minutes by bicycle from the first place to the second place

Suppose: the speed of motorcycle is x / min, the speed of bicycle is Y / min, the whole distance from a to B is 1
The results are as follows
Finally, the total cycling time from place a to place B is: 1 divided by 1 / 160 = 160 minutes

A car from a to B is expected to travel 80 kilometers per hour and arrive in 13 hours. According to the plan, it takes 8 hours to drive, and it takes 4 hours to get to B

Although the title is not complete, we can get the kilometers per hour that it took 4 hours to get to the second place
80 × (13-8) △ 4 = 100 km / h

A car from a to B, plan to travel 80 kilometers per hour, 5 hours to arrive. Actually 100 kilometers per hour, how many hours ahead of time to arrive?

5-80 × 5 / 100, = 5-400 / 100, = 5-4, = 1 (hour); a: actually arrive 1 hour earlier

A car from a to B, plan to travel 80 kilometers per hour, 5 hours to arrive. Actually 100 kilometers per hour, how many hours ahead of time to arrive?

5-80 × 5 / 100, = 5-400 / 100, = 5-4, = 1 (hour); a: actually arrive 1 hour earlier

A car from a to B, plan to travel 80 kilometers per hour, 5 hours to arrive. Actually 100 kilometers per hour, how many hours ahead of time to arrive?

5-80 × 5 / 100, = 5-400 / 100, = 5-4, = 1 (hour); a: actually arrive 1 hour earlier