Find the general formula of the following sequence 1,0,1 / 3,0,1 / 5,0,1 / 7,0

Find the general formula of the following sequence 1,0,1 / 3,0,1 / 5,0,1 / 7,0

General term formula (1 / 2) * (1 / N) * [1 - (- 1) ^ n]
The reason why I put forward 1 / 2 and 1 / N separately is to let you know that my solution comes from the sequence 1,0,1,0,1,0
1 - (- 1) ^ n odd number term is 2, even number term is 0, is a very good general term formula, you can remember, many special series can be used

Write the general formula (1) - 1,1 / 3, - 9 / 35,17 / 63, - 33 / 99 (2) 1,0, - 1 / 3,0,1 / 5,0, - 1 / 7,0 of the following sequence

Answer: (1) - (2 + 1) / (2 ^ 2-1), (2 ^ 2 + 1) / (4 ^ 2-1), (2 ^ 3 + 1) / 6 ^ 2-1, (2 ^ 4 + 1) / (8 ^ 2-1), (2 ^ 5 + 1) / (10 ^ 2-1). So the general formula is (- 1) ^ n (2 ^ n + 1) / [(2n) ^ 2-1] (2) is too simple

The general formula of 2 / 3,4 / 15,6 / 35,8 / 63 ··

Denominator (2n) & # - 1
Molecule 2n
General term formula 2n / [(2n) ² - 1]