The problem of finding the law of rational numbers Observe the following formula: 2 and 2 / 3 = 2 & # 178; multiply by 2 / 3 and 3 / 8 = 3 & # 178; multiply by 3 / 4 and 4 / 15 = 4 & # 178; multiply by 4 / 15 What kind of rules do you find between them

The problem of finding the law of rational numbers Observe the following formula: 2 and 2 / 3 = 2 & # 178; multiply by 2 / 3 and 3 / 8 = 3 & # 178; multiply by 3 / 4 and 4 / 15 = 4 & # 178; multiply by 4 / 15 What kind of rules do you find between them

How to find the rule of rational number?
Calculation: 1 / AB + 1 / (a + 1) (B + 1) +. + 1 / (a + 9) (B + 9) =?
Where the second power of (A-1) + |ab-2 | = 2

The second power of (A-1) + |ab-2 | = 2
The absolute value of the sum of squares is greater than or equal to 0
If one is greater than 0, then the other is less than 0
So both are equal to zero
So A-1 = 0, ab-2 = 0

Rational numbers find rules,
Look at the following group of numbers and write the nth number
-4 2 -10 14 -34

-The difference between 4 and 2 is 6, and the difference between 2 and - 10 is 12. After the second number, multiply the number + 1 by 6. And so on, the nth number is (n + 1) times 6

How to write a good composition

1、 Ye Shengtao, a famous educator in China, pointed out that "to write anything depends on knowledge and experience. What kind of knowledge and experience can we write. On the contrary, without the ability to express knowledge, we can not write a good composition."
2、 Taking cognitive structure as the core of composition, including learning knowledge, observing accumulation, memory storage, training thinking, enriching imagination, cultivating emotion, training will; speaking and writing, deliberating and revising, reading and writing more frequently
3、 Set up the concept of big composition and combine listening, speaking, reading and writing organically
First, we should pay attention to examining the topic; second, we should make clear the purpose of writing, and make new ideas; third, we should have a basis for selecting materials; fourth, we should pay attention to writing skills, and arrange the structure of the text; fifth, we should pay attention to the segmentation of the article, and list the subtitles in advance, and the outline of the composition; sixth, we should pay attention to the writing method, and use the language according to the text; seventh, we should use the language skillfully, and use the thought to transfer the language
Learn five kinds of ideas: praise people with things, express one's feelings directly, use things to explain reason, touch the scene to create feelings, and express one's will with things
4、 Grade by grade, grade by grade, grade by grade, grade by grade, grade by grade, grade by grade, grade by grade, grade by grade, grade by grade, grade by grade, grade by grade
5、 Implement five training programs
According to the principle that cognition is the core of composition, five kinds of training are carried out around the core of developing students' psychological mechanism
(1) Words training. Learn to master a large number of words. Master the golden key of using words: contact with your familiar things; contact with your real life; contact with your language and words knowledge
This paper uses the method of "Shiyin theory" to combine word learning with speech training. "Shiyin theory" is as follows: 1. Analysis of characters; 2. Use of teaching aids; 3. Learning words according to pictures; 4. Word formation and word expansion; 5. Selecting words and filling in the blanks; 6. Word collocation; 7. Adjusting word order; 8. Using words in touch with scenes; 9. Word classification; 10. Combining words into sentences, Make yourself accumulate a lot of words that you can speak and use to lay a solid foundation for writing
(2) As long as it is a sentence, it includes two aspects: one is to say the person, thing, thing and scene, and the other is to say the purpose. But when some teachers guide students to say a sentence, they don't teach them the methods of observation, understanding, analysis and expression with pictures and things. They just take out a picture or thing for students to say and write a sentence, Students don't know why to say and write a sentence, how to say and write a sentence, what sentence pattern to say and write a sentence, which leads to the monotony, inflexibility and liveliness of the intonation in the composition, Students will use different sentence patterns to express different thoughts, feelings, attitudes and purposes
(3) In order to understand the rules of the occurrence and development of objective things, we should combine eight kinds of paragraph styles: Taking the development of things as the order segment, time sequence as the order segment, space transformation as the order segment, summarizing and dividing the structure segment, causal segment, turning segment, progressive segment and parallel segment, Just like a sentence, it is also a narration of people, events, objects and scenes, and also an expression of a meaning. It is just to make a sentence clearer and deeper
(4) Chapter is composed of paragraphs. Through the knowledge and methods of topic review, conception, material selection, composition, formulation and language, through the four expression methods of narration, description, lyric and discussion, the methods of beginning and end, transition and echo, and the knowledge and methods of various article styles, we can learn to write narrative and practical articles with clear center, complete meaning and appropriate details
(5) Through a variety of composition teaching activities, such as "determine the center seminar", "material selection seminar", "composition consultation meeting", "xiaozhuge topic review meeting" and "smart words competition meeting", we can learn composition knowledge and writing methods vividly and concretely, It can also carry out various activities inside and outside the school, such as rope skipping, tug of war, shuttlecock kicking, ball games and endorsement competitions, so as to learn how to write competition compositions; carry out voluntary labor inside and outside the school, so as to learn how to write labor scenes; hold poetry recitation and speech meetings, so as to learn how to write meeting scenes and information; visit scenic spots and historic sites through visits, Learn how to write visit notes and travel notes. Learn observation methods, pay attention to the things and events around, "paying attention to everything is knowledge, and being proficient in human feelings is the article". Through on-the-spot life composition, we further realize that life is the fertile soil of composition. Thus we can learn to write real things, express true feelings, cultivate true, good and beautiful sentiment, and cultivate a good style of writing
After the students have finished their compositions, they organize to comment in the group. First, they learn the advantages of others' compositions, then point out the shortcomings of each other's compositions with critical eyes, and point out the suggestions for improvement. On this basis, they write again, so that the students can gain every article they write
Write your own words honestly
"Writing your own honest words" is said by Ye Shengtao, an old educator. It aims to create a colorful world of "independent" writing. The so-called "independent" is not limited by rules and regulations, allowing students to think freely and write freely. "Independent" writing is "speaking as the voice of the heart", acting freely, showing their own style and embodying their distinctive personality
We should break away from the old way of composition teaching, let students write in the "independent" state, remove affectation, imitation, give them fresh imagination, rich creativity, waiting for the harvest will be colorful, fresh fruit and vitality