Arrange the positive integers according to the rule shown in the figure. If the ordered real number pair (n, m) represents the nth row and the m-th number from left to right, such as (4, 2) represents the real number 9, then the ordered real number pair of real number 17 is______ .

Arrange the positive integers according to the rule shown in the figure. If the ordered real number pair (n, m) represents the nth row and the m-th number from left to right, such as (4, 2) represents the real number 9, then the ordered real number pair of real number 17 is______ .

The number of numbers in each row is the number of rows. The odd row is from left to right, from small to large, while the even row is from left to right, from large to small. If the real number 15 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5, then 17 is in the sixth row and the fifth position, that is, its coordinate is (6,5). So the answer is: (6,5)

Arrange the positive integers according to the rule shown in the figure. If the ordinal number pair (m, n) is used to represent the number at the intersection of column m and row n, and (3,2) is used to represent the real number 6, then the ordinal number pair of real number 2012 is expressed as ()
A.(20,12) B.(14,45) C.(15,44) D.(16,43)
| ------------------------
|Column 1 2 3 4
|1 2 5 10
|1 | 4 3 6 11
|9 8 7

Choose the second one. Because the first one in each row is the square of the number of rows, and this number is the largest number of the same rows and columns, the addition starts from the new column. This problem can be solved by subtraction or substitution

Arrange the positive integers according to the rule shown in the figure. If the real number pair (m, n) is used to represent the m-th row, the n-th from left to right,
What is the real number pair for 2010?

So there are 55 numbers in row 10
So 58 is in the 11th row
You can see that the odd rows are in positive order
So the ordinal pair of 58 is (11,3)

Arrange the positive odd numbers according to the rule shown in the upper right figure. If the ordinal number pair (n, m) is used to represent the nth row from left to right, and (3,2) is used to represent the real number
9, then (6,3) is (); 2011 is the first row of (,). 1
3.5 second row
7 9 11 third row
13 15 17 19 fourth row
The positive odd numbers are arranged as shown in the figure above on the right. If the ordinal number pair (n, m) is used to represent the n-th row, and the m-th from left to right, such as (3,2) represents the real number

There are 1 + 2 +... + n-1 = (n-1) n / 2 numbers in the first (n-1) row, which are all odd numbers. Then the first number in the nth row is 2 * (n-1) n / 2 + 1 = (n-1) n + 1, that is, (n, 1) represents (n-1) n + 1. So (n, K) represents (n-1) n + 1 + 2 (k-1) = (n-1) n + 2k-1.1 ≤ K ≤ n, so (6,3) represents 35