Cut a cube into a cylinder with the largest volume. If the side area of the cylinder is 314 square centimeters, calculate the surface area of the cube

Cut a cube into a cylinder with the largest volume. If the side area of the cylinder is 314 square centimeters, calculate the surface area of the cube

314 △ 3.14 × 6 = 600 (square centimeter); answer: the surface area of cube is 600 square centimeter

A cube of wood, cut it into a largest cylinder, the cylinder side area is 314 square centimeters, find the original cube surface area is much
Less square centimeter?

Let the edge of the cube be a, then the circular diameter of the bottom of the cylinder is a, the height of the cylinder is a, then the side area of the cylinder is 3.14a * a = 314, a & # 178; = 100, then the surface area of the cube is 6A & # 178; = 600 square cm

There is a largest cylinder in the cube. The side area of the cylinder is 50.24 square decimeters. What is the surface area of the cube?

Let the side length of cube be X
Side area of the cylinder = circumference of the lower side of the cylinder * height
Surface area of cube = bottom area of cube * 6
=96 square decimeters