Both sides____ An isosceles triangle is called an isosceles triangle_______ This triangle is called________

Both sides____ An isosceles triangle is called an isosceles triangle_______ This triangle is called________

Both sides__ Equal__ An isosceles triangle is called an isosceles triangle__ Trilateral equality_____ This triangle is called_ Equilateral triangle_______

The base angle of an isosceles triangle is 25 degrees. This triangle is also called a () triangle?
An isosceles triangle has a base angle of 25 degrees. This triangle is also called a () triangle

Obtuse triangle

The two equal sides of an isosceles triangle are called triangles (). The angle between the two equal sides is called triangles ()
I need it now!

The two equal sides of an isosceles triangle are called the waist of the triangle. The angle between the two equal sides is called the vertex angle of the triangle. The angle between one of the two equal sides and the bottom edge is called the bottom angle of the triangle. An isosceles triangle line has two bottom angles and is equal

In an isosceles triangle, two equal sides are called the sides of the triangle______ The other side is called a triangle______ .

In an isosceles triangle, the two equal sides are called the waist of the triangle, and the other side is called the bottom of the triangle

If an isosceles triangle has a right angle, then the triangle can be called ()

Right triangle

We know that a triangle with two equal sides is called an isosceles triangle. Similarly, we define that at least one set of quadrilaterals with equal opposite sides is called an isosceles quadrilateral. (1) please write down the name of a special quadrilateral you have learned that is an isosceles quadrilateral; (2) as shown in the figure, in △ ABC, points D and E are on AB and AC respectively. Let CD and be intersect at point O, if ∠ A = 60 °, DCB = ∠ EBC = 12 ∠ A. please write an angle equal to ∠ a in the graph, and guess which quadrilateral in the graph is an equal opposite quadrilateral; (3) in △ ABC, if ∠ A is an acute angle not equal to 60 °, points D and E are on AB and AC respectively, and ∠ DCB = ∠ EBC = 12 ∠ A. explore whether there is an equal opposite quadrilateral in the graph satisfying the above conditions, and prove your conclusion

(1) For example: parallelogram, isosceles trapezoid, etc. (2) answer: the angle equal to ∠ A is ∠ BOD (or ∠ COE), ∫ BOD = ∠ OBC + ∠ OCB = 30 ° + 30 ° = 60 °, ∫ a = ∠ BOD, guess: quadrilateral DBCE is equiopposite quadrilateral; (3) answer: at this time, there is equiopposite quadrilateral, which is quadrangular DBCE. Proof 1: as shown in the figure, make CG ⊥ be at point G, BF ⊥ CD intersect CD extension line at F The point of point. \\point \ \\\ \\\\ ≌ CBG, \\\\\\\8780; CBG, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\in △ BDC Compared with △ CFB, ∠ DBC = ∠ fcbbc = CB ∠ DCB = ∠ EBC ≠ △ BDC ≌ △ CFB (ASA),  BD = CF, ∠ BDC = ∠ CFB, ≠ ADC = ∠ CFE, ∫ ADC = ∠ DCB + ∠ EBC + ∠ Abe, ∫ FEC = ∠ a + ∠ Abe, ∫ ADC = ∠ FEC, ≌} FEC = ∠ CFE, ∫ CF = CE, ∫ BD = CE, ∫ quadrilateral DBCE are equal opposite sides. Note: when AB = AC, BD = CE still holds

In an isosceles triangle, two equal sides are called the sides of the triangle______ The other side is called a triangle______ .

In an isosceles triangle, the two equal sides are called the waist of the triangle, and the other side is called the bottom of the triangle

We know that a triangle with two equal sides is called an isosceles triangle. Similarly, we define that at least one set of quadrilaterals with equal opposite sides is called an isosceles quadrilateral. (1) please write down the name of a special quadrilateral you have learned that is an isosceles quadrilateral; (2) as shown in the figure, in △ ABC, points D and E are on AB and AC respectively. Let CD and be intersect at point O, if ∠ A = 60 °, DCB = ∠ EBC = 12 ∠ A. please write an angle equal to ∠ a in the graph, and guess which quadrilateral in the graph is an equal opposite quadrilateral; (3) in △ ABC, if ∠ A is an acute angle not equal to 60 °, points D and E are on AB and AC respectively, and ∠ DCB = ∠ EBC = 12 ∠ A. explore whether there is an equal opposite quadrilateral in the graph satisfying the above conditions, and prove your conclusion

(1) Such as: parallelogram, isosceles trapezoid, etc. (2) answer: the angle equal to ∠ A is ∠ BOD (or ∠ COE), ∫ BOD = ∠ OBC + ∠ OCB = 30 ° + 30 ° = 60 °, ∫ a = ∠ BOD, guess: quadrilateral DBCE is equal opposite quadrilateral; (3) answer: at this time, there is equal opposite quadrilateral, which is quadrangular DBCE

If a diagonal of a quadrilateral can divide the quadrilateral into two isosceles triangles, we call it a good quadrilateral
This diagonal is called a good line, such as the diamond and square we learned
1. Given the isosceles triangle omn, OM = on, ∠ o = 30 °, if there is a point P, so that the two diagonals of a good quadrilateral with omnp as vertex are good lines, please draw a good quadrilateral of a non special quadrilateral that satisfies the condition

Make a vertical line of Mn through point O, and the perpendicular foot is h. extend oh. The point on the oh extension line is the point P satisfying the condition (except for one point, that is, when MP = OP, because it will be a prism at this time). Connect MP and NP to get a good quadrilateral. Just draw it by hand

A triangle with three equal sides is an equilateral triangle. What is it called? What figure is it?

Equilateral triangles. Centrosymmetric and axisymmetric figures