Calculation of definite integral in MATLAB I=int(cos(x)*cos(2*x),-pi/2,pi/2) I=quadl(@(t)(t-3*t.^2+2*t.^3).^(-1/3),eps,1/2) What's the difference between these two expressions? What are int and quadl? What does EPS stand for?

Calculation of definite integral in MATLAB I=int(cos(x)*cos(2*x),-pi/2,pi/2) I=quadl(@(t)(t-3*t.^2+2*t.^3).^(-1/3),eps,1/2) What's the difference between these two expressions? What are int and quadl? What does EPS stand for?

Int (function f (x), a, b) computes the definite integral quadl of function f (x) in the interval [a, b]. This function uses an algorithm called lobatto quadrature, which is more efficient for high precision and smooth functions. I = quadi (func, a, B, TOL); func is the integrand, a, B is the integral limit, tot is the expectation

Matlab solves the definite integral of ∫ f (x) DX in (0-2), where f (x) = x + 1, x1. And indefinite ∫ e ^ (AX) * sin (BX) DX
Matlab solves the definite integral of ∫ f (x) DX in (0-2), where f (x) = x + 1, x1. And the indefinite integral ∫ e ^ (AX) * sin (BX) DX

sys x a b