Do you have to memorize words before learning English?

Do you have to memorize words before learning English?

That's for sure, Changxi English vocabulary black and white memory method can quickly remember words

Do you have to memorize words or learn grammar first?

First learn the words, know the meaning of the words, but do not understand the grammar to connect these words, so can't say, can't write, can't understand, can't read, can't understand. First learn the grammar, know the grammatical meaning, but no vocabulary to use this grammar, the result is still can't say, let alone understand. Just like the building worker comrades in thinking: I first put all the cement used to build the house

Words in Chinese books of primary school grade 4 Volume 1

Words inventory: interval lazy proverb balance link across the Strait cinnamon pale ruddy transplant lucky Taiwan attack look forward to the empty pause flash floods clear waves of course it's not easy to be safe suddenly come flesh and blood compatriots kinship condemnation wither severe pity exhort to embrace sorrow moist joy coordination orderly figure nickname wail wail see light suddenly
Accumulating over time: passing the old friend's Village
meng haoran
Old friends have chicken millet,
Invite me to Tian family
Green tree village,
Qingshanguo is inclined outside
Kaixuan noodle garden,
Talk about mulberry and hemp with wine
On the double ninth day,
It's Chrysanthemum

How many words are there on each page of the first volume Chinese book of the fourth grade of primary school?
Urgent, super urgent, super urgent

The most 700 words, the least 200 words