Natural paragraph 8 of the giant's Garden: what makes the giant feel hot in his heart? The accuracy of teachers' complete answers should be 100%

Natural paragraph 8 of the giant's Garden: what makes the giant feel hot in his heart? The accuracy of teachers' complete answers should be 100%

Because the giant felt selfish and ashamed not to let the children in

People's education press primary school Chinese Book grade 4 Volume 1 lesson 29: 1, 2 natural paragraphs
The 20th century is a century of great influence
Who calls the wind and rain? Of course, it's human beings. What calls the wind and rain? It's modern science and technology
In the past 100 years, human beings have made so many miraculous and unexpected discoveries and inventions by using modern science and technology. It is these discoveries and inventions that have greatly changed human life, and the degree of change exceeds the sum of millions of years in human history
1. Write "unexpected"
2. What's the difference between "discovery" and "invention"
3. The rhetorical device used in the horizontal part of the text is - --- to summarize the meaning of these two paragraphs in one sentence-----------------------------------
4. Write down your understanding of the last sentence

Beyond one's expectation; beyond one's own prediction
2. Invention: it is something that has not been created before
Discovery: it existed before, but it hasn't been found before
Make your own sentences
3. The rhetorical method used in the part of drawing horizontal line is to ask questions
To sum up the meaning of these two paragraphs in one sentence is that science and technology make human life to a higher level
Discovery and invention, make people's life convenient and happy, this change is more advanced than before

All polyphonic words in the fourth grade Chinese book of PEP

m ēn
h áo
k ā n
m èn
h ào
k à n
ch è n
b ǎ
ɡā n
(dry food)
ch ē n ɡ
(referred to as)
b ō
ɡà n
hu á
yu è
sh ǔ
hu à
l è
sh ù
f é n ɡ
as if
s ì
(it seems)
f ó
f è n ɡ
sh ì
f ú
(as if)
y ī n ɡ
x ī n ɡ
m ó
y ì n ɡ
x ì n ɡ
m ú
ch ó n ɡ
k ō n ɡ
p ū
(make a bed)
zh ò n ɡ
k ò n ɡ
(open space)
p ù
s ā i
(traffic jam)
zh ē
s à i
(outside the Great Wall)
zh á o
zh é
s è
zhu ó
sh é
h á o
ch áo
(facing down)
q ū
(twists and turns)
h à o
zh ā o
q ǔ
pi ā n
ch á n ɡ
h é
pi à n
(one sided)
zh ǎ n ɡ
(growing up)
h è
ch ǔ
ju é
sh ān
ch ù
ji à o
sh àn
ju é
d ā n ɡ
(at that time)
ji ǎ o
d à n ɡ
w ù
d í
ju ǎ n
(roll up)
What time
j ī
d ì
ju à n
(test paper)
j ǐ
j ì
zhu ǎ n
ji ān
x ì
zhu à n
ji àn
y ǐ n
(drinking water)
f ā
hu á
y ì n
(drinking horses)
f à
hu à
m éi
y āo
b ó
m ò
y ào
p ō
(pool of blood)
h ǎo
(good man)
B ā o (peanut peeling)
ti áo
h ào
b ō
di ào
pi án
s ǎn
h ái
bi àn
s àn
hu án
(return the book)
w é i
(as a person)
according to
j ū
zh ō n ɡ
w è i
j ù
zh ò n ɡ
xi ā o
(sharpening pencil)
n á n
zh ā
xu ē
n à n
zh á
qu ā n
Call out
y ù
f ā
ju à n
X ū (panting)
f à
s ǎ o
(sweeping the floor)
d à n
qi ā o
s à o
t á n
(playing the piano)
Qi ǎ o (silent)
ɡ u ā n (Celosia cristata)
zh ǒ n ɡ
n í n ɡ
(wring towel)
zh ò n ɡ
n ì n ɡ
d ī n ɡ
z ā n ɡ
s ā
(casting net)
d ì n ɡ
z à n ɡ
s ǎ
(sowing) phase Xi à ng (~ mutual) Xi à ng (~ piece) similar to s à (~ Hu) sh à (~)
And H é (~ wind and drizzle) H è (~) Hu ó (~ surface) huॸ (~ Lane) H ú (~ LE)
To draw a picture, to try, to tie a shoelace, to tie a shoelace, to close a shoelace
Turn to move to bend to drink to feed to eat
Heavy ch ó ng (~ new ~ superimposed) Z ó ng (~ important ~ quantity)
According to J ū J ù J ù B ǎ B ǎ B ǎ B ǎ B ǎ B ǎ B à B ū B ū B ū B ū B ū B ū B ū B
It's not easy to get rid of it. It's hard to get rid of it. It's hard to get rid of it
Thin B á o (~ clothes ~~ wine) B ó (~ Lidan ~ Light ~ phenanthrene ~)
For w é I
Forbid (not to be punished) forbid (not to be punished)
Poor ch ā I (~~ things) ch à (~ little strength) ch ā (~ different ~ different) C ī
It's hard to breathe. It's a disaster. It's a disaster
It's hard to break it. It's hard to break it. It's hard to break it. It's hard to break it
Plug s ā I (~ car Block ~) s à I (~ outside ~ need ~) s è (perfunctory ~ responsibility ~)
Get D é (~ award ~ sports satisfaction ~) de (do ~ cold ~ very) d ě I (make mistakes ~ criticize)
Chao ch á o (~ Xiang ~ DAI) zh à o (~ Yang ~ Qi) sweep s à o (~ BA) s à o (~ Chu ~ Xing)
It's not easy to get rid of it. It's not easy to get rid of it
Ren R è n (~ Wu ~ Zhi) r é n (~ Xian Xing ~) burying m á I (~ Fu) m á n (~ yuan)
Nail D ì ng (~ book ~ nail) d ī ng (~ son)
Screw n í ng (~ ear) n ǐ ng (~ screw ~ tighten) n ì ng (~ temper)
Return Hu á n (GUI ~) H á I (~ you) to play D à n (Zi ~) t á n (~ Qin)
Ji J ì (save nothing) J ǐ (~ Nan) a ē (~ straight not to flatter spring) ā (~ aunt to sister)
Evil (no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
To provide for, to deliver, to do, to lose
Empty K ò ng (~ white ~ lack) k ō ng (~ intermediate ~ hole) strength J ì n (dry ~ no ~) J ì ng (strong ~~~ shoot)
Jiao Ji o (~ Shu Jiao GE) Ji o (~ Jiao ~ Xun) Jue (~ Cha ~ Wu) Ji o (sleep ~ afternoon ~)
F è ng (~ gap ~) f é ng (~ complement ~ join) planing P á o (~ remove ~ root) B à o (~ work ~ ice)
Zuan (~ Yanying) ~ znan (~ Shidian ~) Mo m ó (~ Fangxing ~ fan) m ú (~ sample ~ tool)
Plastering (~ face ~ cloth) painting (~ kill) painting (~ wall corner ~ corner)
Dew, wind, surface, water, sushi, CH é ng, sh è ng, Kaida
Row Hu á (~ boat ~ calculation) Hu à (plan ~~~ points) pole g à n (pen ~~~ fungus) g à n (flag ~ column ~)
Bi ǎ n (~ nose pressure ~) PI ā n (~ boat) Guan Gu ā n (chicken ~ GUI ~) Gu à n (~ mingduo ~)
Pickpocket B (~ car ~ earth) P á (~ grass ~ hand)
Scatter (~ Bu FA ~ ~ Xin ~ Mei) scatter (~ bing you Yong ~ Zhuang ~ Ye song ~)
Quiet, silent, tearful
Cage (~ cover ~ system ~ network) l ó ng (bamboo ~~ seed)
Jiao Ji o (~ Mo Niu ~ Qiang ~) Ju e (~ se Chou ~ Zhu ~ ~ Dou)
Fake (~ goods ~ design ~) fake (~ day)
Species (~ Zi Ren ~ Yi Yan ~) species (~ DI) shop (~ Lu) shop (~ bed ~)
T à (~ step ~ empty step ~) t à (~ solid ~ nose ~ square ~ lower heart)
He h é (~ LAN ~ Hua) H è (~ Zai ~ gun)
Circle (~ pig raising ~) Qu ā n (~ point ~ loop ~ sub) Ju ā n (~ get up)
Li ǎ o (~ Jie ~ Jie) le (too good ~) Xing x ì ng (Gao ~ ~ Qu) x ī ng (~ fenfu ~ ~ ban)
Supply g ō ng (~ supply ~ demand ~ sale ~ demand) g ø ng (mouth ~~ taste ~)
Response y ì ng (~ variable response ~~~ pay) y ī ng (~ response ~~~ pay)
Peel B ā o (~ open ~ orange) B ō (~ grab ~ peel)
Pull up the curtain
To chew or chew, to chew, to chew, to chew, to chew, to chew, to chew, to chew, to chew, to chew, to chew, to chew, to chew, to chew, to chew, to chew, to chew, to chew, to chew, to chew
In this paper, we present a new method to solve the problem