First semester P59 of sixth grade mathematics,

First semester P59 of sixth grade mathematics,

Numerator denominator of fractional value
3:1 3
270:1 1:720 1:270
420x100 + 5 / 5 = 20 (kg)
B: 28x5 divided by 20 = 7 laps C: 140 divided by 35 = 4 laps

(0.0 |) urgent!
1. Lan Lan read a book. On the first day, he read 25% of the whole book. On the second day, he read 8 pages. At this time, the ratio of the number of pages read to the number of pages not read is 1:2?
2. There were 80 big and small balls in the school, of which small balls accounted for 2 / 5. After buying a batch of small balls, small balls accounted for 5 / 11 of the total number of existing balls. How many balls does the school have now?
3. Master Zhang transported a total of 500 vases. The regulations are as follows: ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
┃ you can get 0.2 yuan for transporting a vase safely, but ┃
┃ if you break a vase, not only don't give the freight, but also ┃
5 yuan
After moving these vases, Master Zhang had to pay a total of 74 yuan. How many vases did Master Zhang break?
The middle part of question 3: after safely handling a vase, you can get the freight of 0.2 yuan, but if you break a vase, you will not pay the freight, but also pay 5 yuan

=96 (page)
=5 (pieces)

In the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games, Chinese athletes won 416 gold, silver and bronze medals, ranking first in Asia in terms of gold medals. Among them, there are 80 more gold medals than silver medals, and three more gold medals than two times of bronze medals. How many gold medals are there?

Suppose there are x gold medals, then there are (x-80) silver medals and (x − 32) bronze medals. According to the title, x + (x-80) + X − 32 = 416, and the solution is: x = 199. Answer: there are 199 gold medals

Before the opening of Guangzhou Asian Games, a sports goods store predicted that a certain brand of sportswear would sell well, so it bought a batch of sportswear with 32000 yuan. Soon after it went on the market, it sold out, and the store bought another 400 sets of sportswear, which was twice the number of the first batch, but the purchase price of each set was 10 yuan more
If two batches of sportswear are sold at the same price and the total profit is 20%, how much is the price per set?

Suppose the selling price of each set is x yuan. Since the total purchase cost is (32000 + (32000 / 200 + 10) * 400) yuan, the profit is (32000 + (32000 / 200 + 10) * 400) * 20% or (400 + 400 / 2) * x - (32000 + (32000 / 200 + 10) * 400). According to the meaning of the question, the equation is (400 + 400 / 2) * x - (32000