In the northern hemisphere of the earth, some people use shadow to distinguish the direction: as shown in Figure 8, a straight rod is inserted vertically at o point on the horizontal ground. Around noon, point tracing method is used to draw the running track of the top of the rod's shadow on the ground, and the point a nearest to o point is found on the track, then the direction indicated by OA is__________ (select "East", "West", "south" and "North")

In the northern hemisphere of the earth, some people use shadow to distinguish the direction: as shown in Figure 8, a straight rod is inserted vertically at o point on the horizontal ground. Around noon, point tracing method is used to draw the running track of the top of the rod's shadow on the ground, and the point a nearest to o point is found on the track, then the direction indicated by OA is__________ (select "East", "West", "south" and "North")

In the northern hemisphere, the nearest distance to the north is the local noon

In translation, the line segments connected by the corresponding points are parallel and equal, but not collinear,

In translation, the line segments connected by the corresponding points are parallel and equal. At this time, the two line segments form a parallelogram. If they are collinear, they are on a straight line after translation

Why are the line segments connected by the corresponding translation points parallel and equal?

It's a purely theoretical problem. It's useless!

After the geometric figure is translated, the line segments connected by the corresponding points in the figure are parallel (or in the same line) and (), corresponding to the line segments (), and (),
Corresponding angle ()

If the graph is translated, the line segments connected by the corresponding points in the graph are parallel (or in the same line) and (equal), the corresponding line segments (parallel) and (equal), and the corresponding angles (equal)

The connecting line segments between the translated graph and the corresponding points of the original graph are mutual -? And -?

Parallel and equal to each other

The line segment connected by the translated graph and the corresponding point of the original graph ()

Equal and parallel

The following statement is correct: the position of the figure after a rotation must change; the position of the figure after B rotation must remain unchanged; the position of the figure after C rotation may remain unchanged
The position and shape of the figure after D rotation change


How to flip the picture 180 degrees?
It is to turn the original picture with face to the left into the picture with face to the right
Using Photoshop

Open the picture by drawing, and choose "flip / rotate" - Flip horizontally from the "image" drop-down menu. Of course, don't forget to save it at last. In this way, the whole picture will be mirrored!

What is the shape of the following figure when it is rotated around an axis?
It's the fourth question on page 25 of the sixth grade Jiangsu Education Edition,

You need to type out the picture

After a figure is enlarged or reduced, although the length of each side changes, the shape of the figure does not change

That's right